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She kept silent for a while but then rolled her eyes and broke the silence.

Carly: "I know everything about you, I was planning to find a moment in which I would kill you. Did you really think that I was just not serious about killing you? I planned everything". I was watching her as she kept telling me that all this time she was keeping an eye on what I did.

Carly: "I know what happened with your sister, I am sorry to hear that, but now you should also know that what it feels to lose a loved one". I could feel the pain and anger that she was having, the amount of revenge she was carrying against me was the same as I carried against the Sicilians. It was that moment when I felt vulnerability and I was broken, all the arrogance and pride now vanished.

Jacob: "I was immature at that time, I felt nothing but addiction towards earning money, and I never knew that it would come back to me one day". Tears rolled out of my eyes as I saw her holding my arm, everything was paused for a moment, and there was nothing but emotions.

Carly: "All of us have addictions, you had an addiction to earning money, your father had an addiction of betting, your sister, Drugs, and Sicilians have an addiction of killing innocents".

Jacob: "What about you"?

Carly: "Never forgiving someone". I nodded at her answer as she stood up and walked away.

Carly: "You need some rest, sleep for a while".

Jacob: "I can't, I need to go out, and Sicilians would be taking over my business by now".

Carly: "So what are you going to do, stop them alone, they are going to kill you, stay here and then think about it"? She opened the door and went outside, I was left alone in the hut, I decided that Carly was actually right and then I laid down on the bed. My eyes were shutting, darkness was now in front of me. In this darkness I saw a light coming from far, I went near the light but I was unable to touch it, I tried hard and harder to touch it as it was looking like a light from heaven.

At that moment the light ran and went far from me again. I saw a figure coming out of the light. She was a woman, hair blowing, and a beautiful face. I knew it was my mother. I somehow managed to go near her but a thick wall of nothing stopped me. I saw her saying something to me, I was unable to hear or understand. I was crying at the time when I felt my body was shaking as if I was caught in an earthquake.

The shaking increased and it was at the moment when I opened my eyes. My eyes were red, I was crying all over. The first person I saw was Carly standing over the edge of the bed.

Carly: "Hey are you okay, you were moving continuously and were shouting all over". She came near and held my arm and helped me half sit on the bed. My back was glued to the bed when she got up and held a bowl of soup. I was not in my senses that I could react to anything, she sat on the edge of the bed and offered me soup. With my shivering hands, I tried to reach out to take the bowl".

Carly: "You are shivering, let me help you with the soup or you will spill it on yourself". She filled the spoon with soup and then blew air on it to make it cooler for me to drink. She came near my mouth with the spoon, waiting for me to open it, she was watching me and I was doing the same.

Jacob: "Why are you doing this"? I asked with a broken voice.

Carly: "What"?

Jacob: "Is it real or was that killing and opportunity thing was real".

Carly: "Both were real".

Jacob: "Then why this duplicity, either you kill me or you look after me". I looked at the soup for a while and then I saw her face, it was confusing and she kept silent.

Jacob: "What is inside the soup"? I pushed the bowl in her hand and it went flying on the rug near the bed.

Jacob: "So this is how you are going to do it when I am least expecting it, you can't succeed in killing me like that"! I shouted as hard as I could. She was watching me with confusion and fear.

Carly: "Jack, there was nothing in that, you are being too vigilant if I had to kill you, I would have done that till now". I was staring at her with my anger slowly decreasing, I never felt the way I felt that day. It was not me, for her safety and to punish myself I stood up and walked towards the door. Jacob: "I am sorry Carly, I think that I should leave now". I opened the door slightly when I heard a voice from behind.

Carly: "Stay! For me. I don't want you to go out, your life is in danger".

Jacob: "But you should not care about it".

Carly: "I don't know why but somehow I am doing it". It was the first time a person actually cared about me, I knew there was danger outside but I also knew that my anger could become a danger for her inside. She started walking towards me and hugged me as hard as she could. After that moment I never felt the same, her hug made me stronger and made me feel that I am also important for someone in this world full of addiction. 

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