The Last Dream

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After a week of the war, I was able to maintain the aftermaths of the war. I had made graves of Carly and Bryan near my mother's and Nancy. I went there every day to remember the people that really meant everything to me, the only people actually. I was broken but I tried my best to rejoice myself and my addiction until last night.

I was sleeping and all of a sudden I felt my heart beat stop. The pain grew to a level that I was fainting, I did not know what was happening to me but I

tried everything to resist the force but it was impossible because it was not anyone's force I could feel that this pain is here to show me that what I've been losing in my life and how lost and zilch I have become. When I opened my eyes I saw myself standing in a room full of darkness spread in it.

I was trying to see around the room but all I had in front of my eyes was just darkness. A second after that I saw an old woman coming near me. I shouted at her.

Jacob: "Who are you"! When she came near I could see that she resembled my mother but it was not her, she was old and had wrinkles all over her face.

Jacob: "Ma, what happened to you"?

Mother: "It does not matter son but you did what I said, you actually went on the right path".

Jacob: "Thank you Ma, it happened because of you".

Mother: "No son it happened because you had the light of truth in your heart but I'm afraid it vanished just now".

Jacob: "How did it vanish"? Without replying she disappeared in front of my eyes.

Jacob: "Ma"! I was running around for her but I was unable to find her. A moment later another person walked towards me. I saw him and remembered that he was my father. He came near and stood facing me.

Jacob: "Why are you here, I don't want to see you".

Father: "You didn't want to see me because I am just like you but better in many things".

Jacob: "You are better in only betting and destroying your family".

Father: "You really are saying that are you? Remember something son I only let myself die but you, you let all your friends and family die. You are worse than me and that is the reason you don't want to see me (truth).

Jacob: "You are still as bitter as you were before". After hearing this he disappeared too. I was standing there without any movement and anger in my eyes until I saw another person coming towards. She came running and hugged me. I felt the care and love in that hug that I remembered that it was Nancy.

Nancy: "Jacob, you avenged my death".

Jacob: "Yes, but tell me where am I".

Nancy: "A place inside you, your heart. It is telling you the truth and regrets you have. You are talking to the real you, the one I know, not the one who is addicted to his business and he lets his family and friends die". Tears fell from my eyes as I was watching her. She turned around and was ready to disappear but for the last time, she glanced at me as I saw tears rolling her cheeks.

Nancy: "It was true, everything he told you about me. It was true and I am sorry for that Jacob". She disappeared after giving away the biggest fear of my life I was trying it to not be true but it couldn't be irony as everything here was true. I was waiting for someone else to come but I couldn't see anyone in front. I heard a voice from behind.

Bryan: "We won Jack, you led us to victory"! I turned back and saw Bryan smiling towards me.

Jacob: "Yes Bryan we won, but I lost man, everything I had and I know I will never be able to get it back, my mother, my sister my best friend, my love and my...father". I sat down on my knees and cried like never before.

Jacob: "All of that was because of me, I should've been dead in place of all of you". Bryan: "You are just being paranoid of yourself Jack, I don't blame you for anything.

Carly: "But I do". I heard a familiar voice and saw Bryan but he was disappeared. I looked behind and saw Carly standing with one eye having a flood of tears but one red with anger. She kept quiet.

Jacob: "Why Carly, why did you tried to do that". Carly: "You deserved it, Jack".

Jacob: "I know Carly but I loved you and look what it did to you, did you really thought it was worth this. We could've lived a happy life together".

Carly: "No Jack, this was the only way I would be in peace if I had to kill you

I would have done that in first glance but I waited for someone to shoot me because neither was I going to live in peace if I killed you and nor if I didn't. And look now I am nowhere in this world but in your heart telling you the truth isn't that enough because that's all you care about other than your addiction". Jacob: "It's not like that Carly, I cared about you". I saw her eye turning from red to black with anger.

Carly: "I wish I had done this before". She raised her hand and in the middle way she aimed at me and fired the gun. I heard the gunshot and then saw blood coming out of me. I was watching her eyes flooding but after that, my eyes started closing, I was unable to breathe I felt my body shutting down. And then I closed my eyes. I didn't know what happened I was awake and listening to someone calling my name but I was unable to respond. I felt my body shaking as an earthquake occurred in it. I remembered this movement but my mind was not working.

The movement increased and it was at that moment when I got up and sat down on my bed. I was traumatized and as well as I was breathing heavily. I was trying to catch my running breath. I saw Peter standing at the edge of the bed and calming me down.

Peter: "Sir are you okay"? I recoiled myself and sat with my back on the bed. I couldn't believe what I saw, very thing was going around my mind the voices of everyone were still in my mind.

Peter: "You have got some meetings, it's three pm and your first meeting is in an hour".

Jacob: "What time, say that again".

Peter: "Three pm".

Jacob: "Okay I'll come down in thirty minutes".

Peter: "All right". He walked to the door and saw backward.

Peter: "Um... the new Police Chief, Mr. Elliot wants to meet you, he says there is some business he wants to talk about".

Jacob: "Set my meeting for tomorrow".

Peter: "Actually he is downstairs".

Jacob: "Okay, I'll be there". I was thinking about the dream actually the nightmare, I was traumatized to see Carly's anger and my regret so then I opened my drawer where my pistol was laying.

And now it has been twenty minutes I am staring the pistol. I am waiting for the right time.

Peter: "You can't go in there".

Elliot: "Shut up, I can go anywhere".

I thought a long time about what Carly wanted and now I think that to finish all my anger and regret it is the time that I move my hand towards the pistol. As I am hearing footsteps I am moving my hand towards the pistol to end my addiction, anger, and regret, to kill the person I have become, a person I hate myself and light my heart again with truth and without my addiction. 

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