The Truth of Jordi

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Three days after all the preparations, I gathered my army and went to Sicilians headquarters. We were standing outside the building, blocking the road and beating all the revolts on the road. Meanwhile, Sicilians Leader's assistant came out, I knew him from when I worked with them, he was arrogant and the real mind behind the Sicilian gang.

Peter the Assistant: "How come, the king himself show up to us, I'm sure we didn't have dinner for your army, you brought them all". He started laughing as his joke was arrogant like him.

Jacob: "I don't even want to talk to you, tell Jordi that his end is here". Peter: "Seems like you are here for some action, right". I gave him an unchanged look as he took out a piece of paper from his bag which was attached to his lower stomach.

Peter: "So it says here that no one can wage war between any kings Gang, so I think we are kings, both of us".

Jacob: "Let me just remind you something Peter, you are just an arrogant assistant for Jordi, now go and tell him that I came here to meet him". He looked at me with anger and then with a little grin he went back inside. After five minutes the doors were opened and I took my army to a huge ground in his Mansion. I went inside Jordi's office where I saw him lighting his cigar and Peter standing right over his head. He saw me and in a very heavy voice, he said.

Jordi: "So what brings you here"?

Jacob: "Definitely not any business deal".

Jordi: "Yeah, I get it, now tell me what is wrong".

Jacob: "Jordi you know what you have done, you backstabbed me and broke the agreement but most importantly you killed my sister!" Jordi: "Yeah, I heard about your sister, I'm sorry for her".

Jacob: "Why did you do it"?

Jordi: "What are you even talking about, I would never do this to you, and you are like a son to me".

Jacob: "Really". I quickly grabbed my gun and aimed it towards Jordi.

Peter: "Stop right there!"

Jordi: "Whatever you are here to do, don't do it, it will cost us all, trust me, Jack, I never ordered someone to attack her".

Jacob: "Is it so, do you ever order someone anything in your gang, seems like Peter does everything".

Peter: "Now you are putting false blame on me, I don't have a problem with you, and why your sister, I would kill you if I want to".

Jordi: "Peter, go out". At the order of Jordi, Peter quickly went out of the room. Jordi: "Listen, Jack, I can help you find the real killer".

Jacob: "I think I found him, now tell me the truth or else I'll have to do something I don't want to".

Jordi: "So do you really want to know the truth, okay. Your sister bought drugs from me".

Jacob: "Wait, what this can't be true, she never took drugs".

Jordi: "looks like big brother didn't know his sister well, here these are some slips I had of her deals". He threw an envelope towards me, I quickly opened it and saw that what he was saying was true.

Jacob: "Why the hell were you selling drugs to a seventeen-year-old girl knowing that these drugs are too heavy and can damage a person"?

Jordi: "I tried to explain it to her but she was not ready to listen, after all, she was your sister, by the way, she was not so innocent, that you think she was and I have proofs of that too if you want to see". After this statement, he started laughing and then continued.

Jordi: "I did not kill your sister, but I could have because she had loads of debt for her drugs. Your sister might have drug overdose or after I denied giving her drugs she could take them from someone else and that someone was not her brother's mentor".

Jacob: "I don't believe you". Right after I finished, I heard a huge blast from behind, I looked down from the window and I saw the whole ground was destroyed including my army.

Jordi: "You want war, let's do it now or else I could only suggest you go back".

Jacob: "I can't". Jordi ran towards his pistol on the table but before he could reach I shot a bullet on him. I heard footsteps coming towards the room, I knew I had to respond quickly or else I was going to die, I looked around and saw another window which was the back side of the building, and I opened it and jumped through it. 

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