new things

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Finally i can breath!
From that old crazy apartment. From the buggin of my family because i moved.
From all the bad vibes the place brought me.

Now im on a new place. New neighborhood and better ambiance. Safer i guess. But also more expensive. But now i can pay it atleast i can have this as my own after 10 years. Sigh. Litle by litle it will be all worth it.

After finishing unpacking and arranging her new house on a subdivision. She went to sleep.
Mandy is 26 yrs. Old independent woman. Her career is now rising. With out her knowing it in her 3 years of stay in the company she became the secretary of the CEO. Whom she has no idea yet for they change the CEO. The old boss she knew very well but the new one, she has idea.

She was still on her sleep when a banging on the door wake her up. And her phone is vibrating badly.
She took her phone.

"Open the door! Is this an invitaion?"

Mandy remember she invited her best friend to come over. She run down to her door and opened it.

"Really, you slept?"
"O, sorry Randy i was tired. Come"
She pulled her best friend's hand and they ended in the kitchen. She looked at the clock and it is already 6pm.

"By the way i have food in case. And i am right." Randy said and presented the bag his been carrying on the table.
"A roasted chicken for the new house!" He addedd giggling.

They ate what Randy brought a roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, fries, and vegetable salad.

"So, you have new level on your career. New house. When will the guy come?" Her best friend excitedly said.

"Let me enjoy my new first before inserting a problem. Don't be like my mom." She rolled her eyes. And continued eating her fries.

They decided to watch movie after dinner.
"Can i stay over?"
"Sure i have a guest room"
"Just kidding i don't have clothes with me and we have work tomorrow."

"Will you pick me up tomorrow?"
"I think i can if you will not make me late."
"Please?!" With pleading eyes.
"Fine! I will go then.lock your doors." He ordered. He care so much for his best friend.

Mandy locked everything and cleaned the mess she and her best friend made then went to bed.

Following morning.

Mandy wake up from the noise of  her alarm. She rise from the bed and felt rested much. She had a peaceful night and a good rest.
She had bread and scrambled egg for breakfast. Went to bath.

After 30 minutes she is finishing touches of her make up when his best friend's car is in front of her house. She grabbed her bag and keys and went out.

"You are early today" her best friend regarded her.
"Well i had a peaceful night." She smiled.
"Breakfast? We can pass through a drive through."
"Thanks but already done."
"Wow, you are early today really, inspired much?"

She rolled her eyes and looked at  her make up in the mirror..

"So this is a secretary should be full make up. You look like a cake dear."
"Cut it. I am a bit stressed new CEO. Why the old should be replaced? Hayst."
"Calm down girl you are pretty and smart. Where is your confidence?"

She rolled her eyes and pouted. Checked her bag and schedules. Her phone and the appontment book of the boss.

Randy beat all the green lights and they arrived early.
The people in the lobby greeted them, even the guard. They are both known for being friendly. The human resource arrived and called Mandy to her office.

She was oriented with her new job. She asked for hint of what the new boss would be even she does not know. She only said she met the new boss quite sometime.
The last advice before she was dimissed was smile.

She is now on the elevator pressed the 18th floor. Everyone looked at her and smile. The elevator man said next time she should use the elevator on the back w/c is designed for the 18yh floor people. She said she is fine in the elevator. Her friends are here. They cheered for her as they walked out of the elevator.

With nervous heart she walked out of the elevator.
She was greeted by the old manager of the floor.
"Good morning miss Mandy i guess you are the new secretay?"
"Yes maam and i am nervous."
"Smile miss and everything will be just fine.".

She smiled.
She checked her desk. And the door of the office opened.
Mandy stood as she saw the old boss.

"Good morning Mandy." The old boss greeted her with great smile.
"Come on inside and i will let you meet my nephew. Your new boss."
She stood and smile plastered on her face.

Untill she met the new boss.

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