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Mandy made sure she will be early. She set her alarm earlier even packed her breakfast on the go put on her lang lasting make up and water proof lipstick and eyelashes. She is in the office at 7:30.

She stood up and greet her boss. Her boss in the bad mood. Her best friend filed a leave. For the rest of the week. His Fabio is home so she knows this will happen.

She did every errand her boss asked. She cannot complain or reject it. Even became a mail woman. She posted her smile on evsryone and defended her boss od negative things she heard.

She is eating her lunch with their lunch buddies when the helper of the canteen came to her.
"Miss Mandy, the CEO called and said you deliver this to him." The helper smiled.
She dropped her spoon and fork get her bag and get the food.

She smiled at her food buddies and proceed to the office.
She knocked on the door. Then slid herself in. Good thing she does not look at the table she bowed her head sensing the boss is not alone.

"Ehem, sir this is your food." She said while head down eyes on the floor.

"Put them here." The boss said she avoided seeing he scene and she succeeded. She put the foods on the table then turned around and walk fast.

"Where are you going Mandy? Come eat with us." The boss said in not mad but inviting voice.

She turned around again eyes on the floor
"I had my lunch already sir. Thank you and excuse me please." She turned around and walked out of the room. She closed it and locked from the outside, they can still unlock it from the inside.

She sat on her desk. Took a deep breath and focused on the rest of her work for today.
But her boss is crazy. He called her for simple thongs like water and everything for the girl.

Do they want me to massage her?
She asked in her mind.
Her heart is tearing apart. Her soul is in agony. Her jealousy is eating her but she knows she has no right to be.
She swallowed everything. She run to the nearest toilet and fixed herself swallowed all her hurt and cries and walked to her desk again.

At 4pm the girl went out.
Mandy gave her sweet smile to the girl and offer her anything the girl smiled back and said she can get going on her own. Then left.

Mandy was called by the boss she wore her mask then went inside.
When she entered the boss is on the door, she was pulled pinned on the door. Her eyes looked down on her boss chest.

"Sir Ryan, please let go of me."
She said in her low pleading voice, shivering.

Ryan blow air on her ears and she shivers even more.
Then kiss landed on her earlobe, down to her neck. She is sniffed then the boss stopped and his forehead rested on her.

"Can i drive you home?" Ryan asked
"Sir, i don't want to bother you i can go home myself."
Ryan's fists landed on the door. Next to Mandy's face.

"Mandy can i drive you home?" The boss asked again.
Mandy gulped.
"Ye.. ess sir you may."  She answered.

"It's not hard to say yes right?" He asked sarcastically.
Mandy just nooded. Then he was let go.

"Get you things in few minutes we will leave."
The boss commanded.

She was then let go. She wipped her tears as she put her things in her bag. She is shivering.

"Let's go" a strong command.
She locked the door of her boss office. And followed him in the elvator. She tried hard to hold her tears back

She sneazed to hide her tears. She sobs.
She follows her boss as they went out of the elevator to the parking lot.
Ryan turned around and held her in her shoulder guided her to the car.

Ryan asked her subdivissions and directions. Till they reach her house

"Thank you so much sir." She said and opened the door. She run to open her gate and closed it the car did not left yet. Untill she opened her door. 

She heard and car and she cried. She prepared her dinner. She ate mushroom and chicken soup to make her feel better. She took a shower as water runs through her body.
She remember Ryan's kiss this afternoon it was not long. But enough to kill her again. For remembering the madness of the past.


It was their JS prom. When they where grade 12. Randy is nowhere to be found so Ryan send Mandy home on foot. They are not yet drunk but they pass through their classmates litle party and Ryan got drunk. Mandy manages to get Ryan in her home.

Ryan alsmost passed out.
Mandy get him into her bed. Ryan pulled her for a kiss they where young and experimental both first time yet kiss ended in sex.

The next day Ryan woke up on his boxers only and saw Mandy on her dress sleeping in the sofa of her room. He picked his clothes and run.

Mandy woke up alone in her room body sores and heavy. She bathe then went down luckily mom and and the rest of the family is on her aunties house in other town.

Since then Ryan distanced from them.

End of Flashback.

The earlier insident reminded her of that night, she remember the kisses on her neck her breast how Ryan caressed it. Everything that happened that night.

After what happened she managed to put on her clothes but let Ryan stayed on his boxers. She was not drunk everything is clear to her. But the dis appearance killed her.

She closed her eyes and again remember the young Ryan who used to look at her, respect her, cares for her. The total opposite of Ryan today.

She remember how his lips travel from her breast down to her abdomen lower to her pubic hair to her pussy the tongue that licked her and woke her senses. The lips and teeth that ate her alive made awaken her sexual arusal and made her cum. Then how they had sex that night. The JS prom she can never forget.

She remembered how hard she tried to forget that night. But now the madness awakens. The worst mistake she did. Had sex with one of her drunk best friend.

She shouts her cry. She let the shower drops water she stayed under it for who knows how long. Untill she can't cry no more. Untill all drained up. Untill she fell asleep.

Ahe woke up cold. She closed her shower and went to put on her clothes. She felt dizzy and sleep on her bed.

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