in one month

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Mandy was asked to go home to their province and she went alone, it has been 2 months since she last visited the province. As always she buys pasalubong for them.

Reports if her siblings made her happy her youngest brother is on top of his class. And the college is a dean's lister. Her cousins are also doing their bests in their vlasses. Her brother who now works and their cousin who also have work now, went home also.

News of each other are very well reported. His brother who is 1&1/2 year  younger than him have a girl friend. And promised to bring her next month.

Then all ears and eyes on her.
Her story is about the busy life she have, not telling anything about the boss.
The youngest girl asked her.
"How is tito(uncle) guwapo(handsome)?"

"Who is tito guwapo?" His brother next to her asked.

"Her boss." the other brother answered. "She brought him here almost a year ago. And never returened. Ate (older sister) kicked him out."

"Or she was the one who is busted" the other brother said.

They all laughed. And made her think of him. But she smile and shook her head.

"He is my boss so please cut that."she answered.

"You mean the CEO of the **** company?" Her cousin asked.

"Who would her boss be? She is the personal secretary of the CEO, so she works for Kuya Randy?" Her oldest brother sarcastically answer their cousin.

She took out her phone and showed her phone out and looked for a picture.
"This is perfect match!" She shouted and handed the phone to mom and aunty they only laughed.teasing begun.

She was starled to see the photo when it reached her. It was her and the boss. It was a company event. They where having a fight this moment but the picture lies. It seems they are enjoying the moment.

She shook her head.
"How did you have this picture." She asked.

"I was in the venue we are about to leave and you are about to start."

"Aw,, i see. But what funny is we had a fight that night. I ended up walking home after that. And ice covered us both." She said bitterly.
Remembering that started that night he never talked to her, he only nods if yes and no if no.
That was a month ago. But the athmosphere changed when they ate togther in her desk that was yesterday.
Her mind is back to present when heard her and boss name being teased.

Mom recieved a call. Then returned after a few minutes.

She hates to argue so she dragged her eldest cousin a girl to help her in the kitchen. They cooked veggies in coconut milk, they also have pork adobo and fried fish.

Dinner. Teasing never stopped. Even the aunty and the mom teased her.
The tesing only stopped when mom speak.

"Speaking if which. He called me. Your boss. He was the one i talked to earlier. He is asking of your wellfare."

Everyone silenced and continued eating.

What is the matter with him. Why call mom, why not call me.

"You shoukd have bring him with you. Next month i wznt him here." Mom commanded.

Her jaw dropped.

"Close it" her aunty said and closed her mouth.

Every one is silent then and nobody ever opened the topic again.

The thought of the boss never left Mandy's mind, untill she reached the house. The next day.

With heavy body she opened the door it is not locked. Heart beat faster again. As she enter she was welcomed by a sweet smile on the sofa.

"Hey you are back." Ryan stood and tried to help her with her bag.

"It's fine this is not heavy."she said. She also smiled a bit.

"Mandy can i ask you something?"

Mandy looked at his boss who seemed not confident for the first time.

She put her bag on the center table and sit on his oposite.
Mandy looked at her boss with questioning  look.

Rnady cleared his troat, then deep breathed
"Can you come with me tonight?"
He asked.

Mandy wants to say no, but she remembered her promise to mom to being his boss next month. If she gives him favor, he could gibe her someday in the future.

She looked at her confused boss.
"What kind of dinner sir, so i can dress up if needed to."
She said.

His boss smile is wider.

Stop that, you are making me crazy.
Her heart brain tell the same.

"Just dinner not too fancy, and any dormal but not too formal also."
Her boss said.
Anyway any dress suits you well. Have you eaten anything yet?" He asked.

"Yeah i had eatly lunch at home with the whole family." She said.

"I have something come." He grabbed her hand and gently pull her to the kitchen.
"I made this last night. Alone promise." He said and pulled a tray from the fridge.
A graham cake. Blue berry flavor.

Her eyes widen,
"I 'm glad you like it." He sliced a pice for her and put it on a plate. Served her. Then he cut a pice for himself.

Mandy is happy emotions stomach, cravings and heart are happy. But what is on the boss mind right now?

Yeah being nice to everyone. Specially to the secretary who always support him. That's it. Thank you.
As this thought is in her mind, she smiles at him.  She stopped herself and put a spoonfull on her mouth before it was seen by her boss.

The boss asked to leave and will pick her up later tonight. But kissed her before he walked to the door.

She wore a grey pants and a white off shoulders flowered printed top. A necklace and small earing then her watch.
Light make up. Pink and nude tone. White shoes and ditry white poutch for retouch make up and phone and wallet

Seven stroked on the clock and the door of the main door opened. She heard her boss call for her.
She sigh deeply inhaled and released then went down.

Great smile greeted her when she reached the last step of the stairs.

"Happy you are ready." He said.
Smile never left his face.

I should have bring The butler with me or famiky driver, o God help not to be on an accident while staring at her on the way.!
He prayed hard.

This is crazy, please enough with that smile it kills me and my senses. I want to stop that smile.
Kiss the lips maybe will stop the smile.
In Mandy's mind.

She looked away. But get nervous when they hit the familiar road.
Smile faded from her face.
It was it

The place.

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