friends and family

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The cooking date did not happened.

At 4pm the butler came for an emergency family meeting.

Ryan and his butler get out from the office. The butler proceeded to the elvator and said he will wait in the first floor.

"Mandy, i know we made plan for tonight. I'm really sorry for this. Really. But i promise i will make it up to you. Please.. i'm sorry."
He reached for Mandy's hands and kissed them both. While saying "sorry."

Mandy felt a litle awkward. She gently pulled her hands.

"Nothing to worry about sir." She said and gave her smile not the sweetest but enough for Ryan to give her a kiss.

"Randy will send you home okay." He said when released her from the kiss. "Take care."
Then Ryan walked to the elevator.

Mandy left a bit shocked. And dialed her best friend desk.

"Randy, i can't breath." She hangged up. In few minutes Randy came out of the elevator with the HRO.

"Hey" Randy said and handed her water.

"Speak up we are listening." The HR said.

"Iam confused. .. he .." she stopped.

"Where is he?" HR.

"The butler came and they have amily emergency meeting so have to leave early."
She again drinked water. The two looked at her waiting for her to tell more.

"I was in my lunch, when he came and eat in front of me. It is rare. He became sweet talker, which is not him. Then we talked about cooking dinner. But this came. It is totally fine with me. Besides i can calm a bit with out him.
But before he left he is too dumb sweet and sory that the cooking and dinner will not happen. "

She started to cry.

"Is he playing me? I would rather like it that he commands me and rule over me. Than this, being too sweet and gentle."

She broke and cry.

"Isn't this an improvement?" The HR asked

"No. He wa..was like this be...fore we depar....ted way back then."she said in her sobs.

Her friends hugged her.
They looked at each other but Randy broke the moment.
"Guys, sh.. the boss is calling."

Randy, do me a favor please.
"Sure sir,"
Please send Mandy home safe and make sure she eats dinner. Or can you feed her first before sending her home.
"I will do the second choice sir. Yes sir i will send her home."
End of call..

"The boss asked me to send you home. Why don't we have dinner first." He said.

"I'm in," the HR said.

At Fabio's place food buddies that became friends and the new friends are having a good time. They ate dinner. Fabio invited them on a videoke. It is friday night. And having litle fun to flush out the week's stress that can kill them.

The best friend and Fabio did not drink. Mandy made her self away from liquors since that incident in grade 12. Drinks wines only at home or where she sleeps and when the place is safe. Tonight heavy drinks on the rocks so she ordered bottomless juice for the three of them. But for Randy, he will drive these crazies home so he refrain Fabio will acompany his love later so he has to be sober. And they can drink both till death at their house later anyway.

The night is still young but their friends are already full of liquor, so decided to bring them home. Fabio helped Randy bring the younger frinds home. While Mandy acompanies the three drunk bulk on the videoke room.

Mandy sings while waiting for Randy and Fabio to come back. The rest who are with her dances.


"How emergency is this meeting?" Ryan asked his butler when they reached the mansion. They drove different cars.
"I have no idea sir, it was your mom and uncle."

Dinner called at 7pm. He was reported through text by Randy, they are at Fabio's eating dinner with the friends. It somehow eased him.

"Anything wrong?" Moma asked.
He shook his head he is fine knowing friends will feed her tonight.

Moma, uncle and stepdad eyed him and looked at each other.

The uncle started the conversation.
"How is the secretary so far?" He asked directly.

Ryan looked worried. "Why? Is there any trouble with her?" He asked filled with worrries in his face.

"No, she is fine. Actually i like her a lot." Uncle declared.

"What?" Ryan shouted. In possessive tone.

"Calm down. Son, it is not that kind." Moma said.
"We like her a lot." Moma said.
"And i want meet her" stepdad said.

Ryan looked ta the three of them.

"What is the meeting supposed to be about?"

"Mandy, when will you take her out? You have been inlove with her since highschool. Yes you had girls in college but she's is never thrown out from your heart.." moma said.

"If this is about her, then why am i here. I was suppose to have a date with her tonight but because of this meeting it is cancelled."

The three loked at each other.

"Did she approved the supposed to be date?"
His stepdad asked seriously.

"Yes pa, she did."

"Is it because, she feels something for you, because you are her boss.?" Stepdad asked.

The CEO sighed.
"Yeah i think i need this meeting." He admittted.

His step dad adviced him how to take things slow and surely. The courtship peoper. They might sound old fashion but it works for Mandy.

After dinner he said his goodbye and tell them he will check on her.

Mandy, was sent by Fabio and Randy, the last passenger.
She was starled when she opened the lights. Her boss is sleeping on the sofa.

She walked close and watched the face of his boss. His nose, his lips, his eyelashes. These catched her attention years back. And drag her down to fall inlove.

She sighed made distance and wake her boss up.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Almost 11" she said.

"You had a great time"

"Yeah" as she walks to the kitchen and drink water. "They are knock out. Except me Randy and Fabio." She drinkdd water.

Ryan must not but cannot resist it. He embraced her.

"Mandy, im sorry" his forhead is on Mandy's shoulder.

"It is okay." She said softly.

Ryan pulled her closer.
"Just for a while please let me be." He said. Then started countimg. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10.
Five more please. 4,3,2,1." Then he let go.

"Good night Mandy. I have to go back. Lock everything up when i leave." Then he moved to the door way.

She was left starled on the kitchen nearly dropped the glass she was drinking.

But she heard horns that means lock it she run to lock the gate then she went inside and locked the dorrs, that was just the time Ryan left.

"This can't be. Calm my heart this cannot be. Maybe the meeting was about being kind to the people in the company. Yes he became kinder few days ago. To all of us.
The hugs why, maybe he was scolded or stressed and needs a hug, i should have hugged him back." Sigh.

Her thoughts of the boss vanished when she felt wet. She looked at herself, still holding the glass, still on her friday uniform, but wet under the showers.

She laughed at herself. And took her bath.

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