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Ryan put down the diary.

"Mandy come here please."

Mandy was standing on the doorway, while Ryan was reading, she walked to Ryan, and Ryan pulled her to sit on her lap. He embraced her with two hands. Mandy put her arms on his shoulder and neck.

"You did not rape me. Love, i was sober." He kissed Mandy's neck.
"I pretended, drunk. I wanted that also."

"I am sorry, we think the same. Way back then i thought you hated me. So i run away from you. Way back there i thought Randy is your boyfriend, so i gave space.
Recallection, you did not came. I asked Randy. He said he does not know either.

He said you disappeared. Then i confesseed to him what i feel for you. He laughed at me said he was not interested in you, you two are just best friend. He said we wait for grad. Ball, then graduation. But you did not come. We sneaked to your house and somebody else already lived there.

We have no clue. What happened to you.

Love, my Mandy. I never had any woman beside you. "

He embraced her. Tears fell ln both their eyes. They wipped each other's face.

"Mandy, be my girl friend, lets get engaged and get married soon. Please be mine, peoperly. Legally, willingly."

Mandy tried to stand but Ryan pulled her closer.

"No, i will not let you scape this time i almost lost you twice. That will never happen again."

Mandy kissed him.

He smiled widely "Is that a yes?"

"It is a no" she said.

Ryan carried her to his room.

"Then be mine, i order you i am your boss."

"This is not the legal way or proper way!" Mandy shouted.

Ryan layed her on the bed and positioned himself over her.

"Mandy love, i live you. Do you love me too?"

Mandy was silent, and Ryan started kissing her shoulders neck colar bone. Pulled the garter of her off shoulder top revealed her bra he kissed in the midle of the breast. His hands crawl under the blouse and under the bra.

While hands works in her breast her lips mouth is conquered. She moan.

"Tell me to stop and i will love."

"No please love don't stop."

Ryan smirked. He started to undress her. She undresses him. But still touching and kissing each other.

Mandy moans more and she us now hot she is awaken and her senses are dying her legs are twinching. She is played well in her genitallia, it arched her back and made her mad and crazy. She bit her lower

"Love... Ryan.. please..."

"Tel me you live me and i wil do everything for you."

"Mmm" she moan again
"Love please... i.. love . You.."

Ryan kissed her passionately.
"We are now in a relationship. I love you. I love you Mandy."

They both moan ilove you to each other.

Mandy woke up, she is embraced, she tries to get up.but two hands pulled her closer.
"Going somewhere?"

"I need to go to the toilet, please."
She is pulled tighter.

"Love, please i need to go to the toilet."
Then she is released.

"Can i come?"

"No?" She said and went to the toilet.

She cleaned herself. After doing her bussiness in the toilet, she grabbed a robe and picked her clothes. Ryan is not in the room. She went to her room and put clothes on.

She heard sound from the kitchen.
She went there, and food is on the table.

"Mid-night snack" Ryan said smiling.

She smiled back.
Ryan walked closer to her and kissed her.
She is a bit starled and remembered they are already in a relationship so she responded to the kiss.

"I want to eat you but we gotta put some real food on your tummy first." Ryan said.
He guided her to sit and served her.

"Love sit here and eat with me." She said before taking a bite.

"I will in a bit love" he said

A few minutes ha came with orange juice.
They eat.

"So where are we going to sleep yours or mine?" He asked.

"I want to sleep in my bed." She responded.

"The master's bed room it is." He said with evil smile.

The mid-night snack is over and they eat each other in the master's bedroom.

The following morning.
Ryan woke up and tried to find her. He get up and put his boxers on. Then he run to the kitchen. He smiled seeing his love cooking breakfast.

He approached her and embraced her. Snifffed her neck.

"Your smell is sexy after sex love, and it turns me on."

"Hold yourself love, we have to go to work. You have a meeting today."
She said. And tried to get out from his embrace.

"Just a kiss, and i will let loose."
He said tightening the embrace.
She kiissed him and he loosens. She then gave him coffee.

"Let us have breakfast now. The CEOmdoes not want to be late right?"

He looked at her but she did not look at him. Instead she forced him to sit on the table , she sat on the opposite then they eat.

"Love, you cooked, i sill wash the dishes." He said plainly.

She is not done with her protest yet stopped with a kiss.

"Go take your bath. Love please.."

She sighed and took her bath.
30+ minutes later she is doing her make up, when he entered the room already bathed and ready for work.

He walked across the room. Back and forth trice already.

"Love is there something bothering you?" She asked.

"Love, would your best friend punch me or kick me if tell him we are already offivial?"

She was speechless wuth the question.

"See even you don't know how he would react."
He shook his head.

She stood from her make up chair and walked towards him.

"Love, take it slow okay, he will eventually learn it."
She kissed her on the cheecks.
"Let's go, focus. You have a meeting with the board today first hour."

"Wait" he grabbed her and embraced her. "I love you Mandy, my Mandy."
She let him be.

10 counts and he let go.
They went to work.

She get off from the car, and work mode is in her aura. She went to the elevator her boss follows her.

The elevator opened on 18th floor then she proceeded to the conference room and prepared the place. While the boss walked straight to his office.

No words came from both of them. They both don't know what to say.

The hour of the meeting came. The secretary is ready to take note of the meeting.

After the meeting.

Her food buddies with her best friend came inside the office.

"We heard you have something to say?" Her best friend asked.

"Huh?" She said, looked around and the CEO was nowhere to be found.

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