peaceful lunch

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The days that follows are loaded with works. The CEO has lots of apointments and her Secretary sometimes tagged along with her or sometimes left behind if not neded.
She chooses to stay in the office anyway.

Ryan's attitude towards her changed. The strong dominance over her is diminished. She is treated well. Ryan also gives her information if he will stay in the house or not.

The house and their status on the house is a secret to the company, well it is not for everyone to know. Only Randy knows about this.
Because it is a family company they are not forbidden to have office relationships but PDA is not allowed.

If the CEO can come to eat at the caffeteria, he ask Mandy to come with him, or he let Mandy eat in the caffeteria or Canteeen with out him.

Randy observed this and asked his boss about it.
The reply surprised him.

"I learned that the more you love, the more you learn to let them be. Love is letting the person be happy, making her stay by my side will make her run away. She knows her time and limitations she leaves and comes at the exact time given to her. That is fine with me."

Randy just shook his head and smile.

One lunch time,
"Mandy, nice you can come again 5 days huh?" The HR laeader asked.

Mandy laughed in reply.

"Is the boss out?" HR asked with knotted forehead as Mandy sits and eats with them.

"No, he is upstairs eating." Mandy responded before shoving a spoonful of veggie salad.

The HR and the three managers looked at each other.

"Maybe the boss is so inlove that he learned love is not a prison." Randy commemted monotone.

Mandy took it seriously. Then breathed normally.
No he is my best friend he is just making me feel good, he knows i have tons to do today.

She shooked her head.

"Don't think things like that, the boss is the boas and i am just a secretary okay."
She said plainly. And gave the shut up look at his best friend.

"Oh, really just a secretary?" One of the managers asked.

"No, personal secretary." The HR gave stress on the word personal.

"To add to that the boss bought her house for her. And claimed the right to have one of the guest room as his own."
Now Mandy turned red on what his best friend revealed.

"O my goshy mad demigods!!!" The HR shouted
Everyone in the canteen looked at her. She apologized in her gestures.

"Does he sleep there?" One of the managers asked.

"4-5x a week" Randy said.

Mandy is like a tomatoe now.

"Girl your face right now is as red as the lipstick." The other manager said. Who is a girl also.

"So what is the status really, did you ever do it?" The HR asked.

"Probably, two individuals, one roof, when the other baths the other knows even when in different room."Randy said.

"Randy shut up for once." Mandy said annoyed.
"And guys, stop this. Fine one roof but no relationship other than boss and employee thing."
She breaths and color of her whole being is turning back to narmal. But her tone is high.

The table is not convinced but for the sake of peace, they don't want mess up with the love interest of their boss righ?
And for the respect of food in front of them. They let this pass. But tomorrow is another day to tease and grilll the poor girl.

The following 3 days Mandy eats with them and she is used to the teasing. She let them be and does not let them affect her, the more she is affected the more she is teased.
Still she denies that the boss is into her.

The boss words stuck in her brain.
"I own you, so everything you, and everywhere you go. You must ask permission from me. I have the right being notified your where abouts."

Untill when will i be owned. How to pay the 5 million with services?

She is on her deep thoughts and cloud of tears formed in her eyes. Randy gave everyone a sign to leave her alone.
The people in the table knows what she feels for the boss. That was after the new employees are hired.
So they know how hurtfull it is in her possition, but Randy knows better. He cannot see both his best friends suffering he has to interfere.

One lunch day. Mandy called for lunch for two in separate orders.
The delivery came gave first to Mandy then to the boss.

"Hello sir, eating alone, the secretary also eats alone outside."
Yeah he is noisy, but the boss smiled.
He thanked the food deliverer.

Mandy is chewing a spoonful of her food while typing on her computer.

"Why don't we eat first for a while before going back to work." The boss said.
Mandy looked at him holding his food and a chair on the other hand. She does not know what to say. He put his food on the empty part of the table then positioned his chair.

Mandy faced him and they eat silently facing each other. Silently. Ryan looks at Mandy and eyes down when Mandy moves a litle, he was never caught.

Is he looking at me. Of course iam infront of him, what would he look at as if he have choice. And i don"t want to look at him. He might catch me no way.
On Mandy's mind.

O come on Mandy look at me just a second please.. she is finishing her food without looking at me. Sigh.
Stares at Mandy.

"Mandy,.." He did not expect to it slip out if his mouth.
Mandy did not look but her eyes stopped on his food.

"You are not eating, don't you like it? I'm sorry, i will order another one." She is about to grt the phone.

"Mandy." She was stopped by the call of her name in soft voice. She looked at the boss in the face.
"Can we eat lile this tonight. Just the two of us. In a not so crowded place."
The boss said plainly.
Mandy cannot contain what she feels and she does not know what to feel.

"What food? You"ll cook or i'll cook?" Mandy asked.

"We can both cook." He said.

Mandy does not know how to react her heart beat is getting loudrr and wants to get out of her chest. She is used to cook for Ryan but today. Ryan seems gentle and kind to her.

To hide her excitement and getting red face.
"Sir, finish your food please. I can.. i can wait till you are done before i get back to my work."
She said, then slowly drinks her soy milk.

"Thank you." The boss said, "and thanks to the man who delivered the food."
If it was not for him, i should have eaten alone, and did not have conversation with you love. On his mind.

This is not quiet, but peaceful lunch.
Mandy smiles as she watch her boss finish his lunch.

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