he was that man.

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Mandy plasteted her smile but the faded when she saw the new boss the CEO, the nephew of the old boss. The man of his past.


Ryan: Mandy! Come now.
Mandy: Yeah i'm coming.
Ryan; You are always late. Come on.
Ryan pulled Mandy's hand he saw Mandy's mom and waved good bye mom nooded and smile. Ryan pushed Mandy inside Randy's car. He rode beside her and the car went to school. It is not far from Mandy's house but pull her from being always late. His friends decided to fetch her every morning.

They where in grade 12 then.

Mandy: you guys why do you always rush me. I hate it!
Ryan: because you are always late.
Mandy gathered her hair and put it in a bun.

Ryan: i like your hair better when loose down.
Mandy rolled her eyes and folded her hands in front of her pretending annoyed.
But inside her heart, she noted what Ryan wants. New stuff Ryan wants her hair down.

Mandy is out of herself when she is mental noting her list.
Randy likes fried foods.
He likes dark colors.
He likes street foods but he wants it cooked home.
He likes girls with dimples.
He like her hair down.
One time he said he likes her wearing skirts. But not too high.
He makes sure, she is not late.
Always texting her if she is home.
Always cares.

Randy:  Stop assuming  girl it's lunch break.
Mandy puts her hand on her chest she was starled at her best friend.

Mandy: Why am i so like this. I mean i should be a good friend.
Randy: I cannot blame he is hot but girl let us eat first.

They walked to the school canteen a person jumped between them it was Ryan.
Ryan: Eating with out me? Best friend but not included in lunch huh?"
Randy: Shut up Ryan. You guys sit there and i will buy us lunch.

Mandy was silent. Ryan snapped his fingger to her face.
Ryan: Earth to Mandy in the space... earth to Mandy in the space.
Mandy: i am here.
Showing an annoyed face.

Ryan: Why did you chose economics, if bussiness is your dream. We should be class mates.
Mandy: Because i want to expand knowledge. I will take up bussiness in college anyway.
Ryan: What school?"
Mandy: i don't know. (Sigh) i dont know if i can continue college.

Food landed in front of them. They eat in peace.

End of flashback.

Back to the state where Mandy is facing Ryan her new boss.

"Where did the smile go? And have you seen a ghost?"
The old boss said.

"No sir im sorry." She cleared her troat and tried to smile again.

"O, i have not introduced you yet. Mandy, i chose you as personal secretary of the new CEO for two reasons.
First, you can do the job better than anyone in the company.
And second i can count on you to take care of my nephew i know you where friends in highschool right?"
The old boss said in serious tone.

Ryan is still looking at Mandy. While the woman just nods and swallow her saliva.

"Acquaintances is over, now let us go ti the loby and show everyone the new CEO and his personal secretary."
He said and smiled evily as walk out of the office. But his evil smile is not seen by the two who follows him.

"So what is for today?" The old boss asked.

Mandy emmidiately looked at the tab she is holding and narrates everything on the schedule for the day and the folowing day.

"Inform me every time on the schedule i am forgetfull sometimes."
The new boss said.

"Yes sir." Mandy in her low tone and respectful voice.

He has tirned out become a serious man, so serious that i think i don't know. His voice even became more lower and louder and shouts authority.

Unlike before. The playfull jolly, Ryan is now the total opposite. Or i am mis judging him.
Is he really that man.

She woke up from her thoughts when she heard elevator ting! They are now in lobby. This is her new job, like a dog following the new boss. She lowered her face as she follows the foot step of the boss'.

The old boss introduced Ryan to all the employees while she is behind them. She spread her horizon and found her best friend. He smiled showing her approval. She smiled back.

The boss talks a lot but her brain cannot pick it up. But it was the mission vission of the company which she knows well.
Then she followed again the bosses. She smile and nods at everyone she sees.

"The secretary, smiles at everyone except at the boss? Pisst"
Ryan said and smirked again Mandy lowered her head eyes on the tab. Untill they reached their office and the bosses are inside the room.

She breathed when she is at her desk.
A few minutes later, the old boss left. Said good bye to her and reminded her that she is a personal secretary.
She went on her work on the desk everything was listed.
Lost tract of time.

Her direct phone to the boss' office is blinking she picked it up.

"Hello sir good morning what can i do for you" tries to smile to sound good.
"It is already lunch. Can you buy me lunvh in office caffeteria?"
The bosses bossy tone.

"Yes sir, what would you want to eat sir?" Mandy asked patiently.

"Try to recall and you all know what i want." The boss smirked without the other person on line knowing.

"Okey sir. Bye." Mandy said and run to the elevator he called the design department manager who is her best froend Randynnow in the canteen.
The elevator reached the lobby and she almost run to the canteen.

Randy helped her recall the dishes he liked before.
They chose: dried adobo squid, shrimp tempura and tossed vegetables. Coffe jelly for dessert and coffee for beverages.

All packed nicely. She almost run to the elevator. Then she reached the office.
She knocked and open it. Then she saw the boss is eating all she ordered are the same food in front of her boss. Except coffee.

She does not know what to say.

"I forget to tell i have direct call to the canteen. I can order anytime and they will deliver it. They beat you anyway." Ryan said while chewing the shrimp tempura.

She is pissed but this is first day, she has a subdivission house to pay she must be patient.

"Sir, do you have dessert what about coffe?" She offered smillingly.

"Coffee yeah i like that. You can eat what you ordered anyway. O may i know what you ordered?" He asked without a hint?

She put the coffee on the table beside the coffee jelly
."Sir that is strong and 50% sugar.
I have shrip temoura, tossed veggies and dried adobo squid."

The boss smiled "thank you for the coffee. Now you can have your lunch break" again smiled.

Mandy waved respect and left the room run to the elevator run to where her best friend is.

"Wait? Why are you eating the .."
"Shh!" She stopped the next word. "He ordered directly to the canteen and had his food delivered."
She chewed on the food she stuffed her mouth with lots of foods.

"Woah! Is he testing your patient?" A question and declaration her best friend gave her..
"I don't know." She just eat she is running out of time. She left the coffee jelly to Randy and run again. She is chewing mint candy on her way up to her desk.

At 12:45 she is back on her desk she breathed. Then the phone again blinked.
Deep breath, released then picked up the phone.
She was asked by the boss to collect the new designs from the 15th floor, which is her best friends area.

The manager of the design department is shocked. Why the personal secretary of the CEO is collecting it.

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