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Ryan's POV.

I felt her hands shacking as i guide her out of the car when we reached the house. She is more than nervous.

Sweet smile never left her face it made me forget my plans.

I was taken a back when i realized i lead her to their old house. Good thing i talked with family that one day she will visit the house. I came to them few days ago that the day of her visit is soon.

When i texted them earlier thye are more than glad. And the girls are excited.

As i watch her flood in tears it breaks my heart, if only i knew what is on her mind. But the girls lighten her mood.

How i wish i knew the vontent of the leters.

And i am happy that these people let us invade the girls room. It is now their house.

She is exhausted now. Sleeping.

Did i bring happiness just ruined my chance with her.
Did i bring her memories of good or devastating. Sigh.

We reached the house and i wake her up. She is embracing the diary and notes she wrote . Am i part of it do i have any tiny part of it?

I care so much, if only iwas braver back then. But i belive. It is what it has to happen. For now we found each other again.

Mandy, i promise to mend every pain i causded you. I promise we will make the days ahead brighter.

I kissed her, still she is sleeping. I shake her shoulders and it woke her up.

"Are we here?" She asked while wiping her face

I did not say anything, i wnet out of the car. Open the door and locked the gate.

She got out of the car i folowed her inside the house i locked the door when i turned she pulled me and kissed me.

For the first time she kissed me. I was starled. But i held her tight. And kissed her deeper.

This is driving me crazy.
"Mandy.." i moaned.

She pushed me a litle. That is my thank you she said. Then she lean her head on my chest.

"Can i have anothr kiss" i asked her.

"No that is enough!" She said she pushed me and she gather her things and almost run to her room.

I was taken a back. What just happened?
The kiss happened.
Not the first time we kissed. But the first time it felt with emotions. The first time like the kiss i had when we grade 12.

Her soft kiss, inviting, alluring.
Sh$@^& t ! Stop thinking.

She is too happy, i made her happy that made her kiss me.

I can doo that again. But how to make her more happy?

3rd person's POV

Mandy almost triped on the floor as she entered her room.

She forgot it is her boss, she thought of him the boy he was year back then. She gotta prepare herslef from being fired.

She looked at the things she got from her secret place, which not a secret anymore.
She smiled as she remembers teh girls.

Atleast now the girls will have ate who can guide them another thing to look forward to the girls.

She kept the things feom tbe house. Then she went to shower.
She had a nap on the car so it made her alive.

She looked at her phone to make herself sleep.

She recieved a text from her boss who's room is beside her's.
She gulped
Good nigt.
So simple yet. Made her crazy.
She smiled and vlosed her eyes.

Rumors soread in the caffeteria that something is odd about the secretary.

"Not odd," the best friend said it was possituve. "Look at that smileit is somsthing right?"
He asked.

Mandy aalked to them. Her smile faded.

"What do you guys gawk about?"

"You" Randy said. "Say it."

"Last night was a trip to the past and present and future.
Past because, i went to old house i knew was ours but now owned by other family. That is the present. And future i will have time with the girls. The family has three children andthey want to have fun with me."
She ranted.

"Can i be in your future also?" Everyone in the table and neighboring table was starled.

"Sir, have a seat she said and get her bag from the chair beside her.

Ryan sigh and sit.

"So what is tbe meeting about?" Randy asked. "Let's get lunch he said everyone stood.

"Nah, stay here Mandy, i can get for you, what do you want to havefor lunch.?"
The boss asked.

Shut up in Mandy's mind.

"Sir, please i can get it." She said

"Mandy i insist" the boss said.

Mandy raised her hand in surrender. "Pasta please and sefood." She said.

"Okay." He smiled and walked on.

Mandy palmed face herself.

The HR came first.
"Psst... is this for real?"
Mandy raised both hands in the said ssaying i dont know.

The boss came and gave her food, "what about drinks?"
"Orange please," she said.
A few minutes later orange jujce landed on her side and the boss sat beside her.

Ransy's phone vibrated all of the people in the table except the boss and the secretary.

News flash
Dating : the CEO and the Secretary.
Then picture of them.

Her phone vibrated. From Randy, she put the phone on the table, to make Ruan see it also.
Ryan lean on the phome and laughed.

"Randy, when it is rounor it is not true right?" The boss asked.
"Yes" Randy replied.
"But when it is true it is a fact?"
"Right." Randy said.

"Then, that is fact."
Mandy's eyes widens and face turned as red as tomatoe.

Ryan leaned even closeer to Mandy.
"You looked red love." He said. In a bit loud voice taht made the other table heard.

They giggle and chuckle.

Mandy turned crimson red.

Teasing all over the place.

She wants to sink on where she sits.

"See i told you it was a fact" someone shouted from afar.

Mandy looked ta his bestfriend. He only winked at her and smiled then continued her food.

"Everyone cut it she 's nit eating hee food now." The boss in his strong voice. "Just eat." There was silence Mandy looked down and hide her face and laugh.

Then all the people rushed to get out.

The only ta le left with people is theirs. And they burst to laughter.

"Love, finish your food please."
Ryan wisphered to her.

But heard by the psople on the table.

Mandy wants ro die right now, wants to shout but she can't.

Then the cafeteria wistle is heard.

"The CEO indirectly admitted they are dating.

Mandy shook her head as she read it and the boss laugh in happiness.

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