Randy revealed

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The following days made both the boss and his secretary more busy.
Mandy taking down important notes and documents for the boss, attending his needs and giving him company in all meetings for the rest of the week. He always send her home. No monkey bussiness, no kissing, no touching. That made Mandy relaxed when with her boss and they are alone.

The people noticed it Mandy is seldom seen. Even in lunch. Food is delivered in their office. Or they are somewhere outside the company meeting with clients.

Two weeks has passed.
The news wreck Mandy.

"Mandy prepare your passport we have 3 days seminar in Thailand. The Visa has been approved. That will be next week." The boss regarded her as real employee now unlike his boss' first two weeks that she is like a toy.

Mandy nooded. About to leave.
"Where are you going?"

"Lunch sir, i am going to have my lunch in the caffeteria."

"Wait i will come with you."


The boss grabbed her hand and pulled her to the elevator. She pull her hand. The boss smirked and press the elevator botton L1.

All heads turned to the two individuals the door gave them. Mandy lowered her face down. Then walked in the counter, withouther knowledethe boss is following her.
"This is my first time here" he wisphered

Mandy took a bit distance.
"Sir tell them what you want." She pointed at the menu. She also poited at the beverages and dessert section then the juice section and the snack section.
"You can do this sir." She said joyfully almost on a wispher and left.

She walked to where her lunch buddies are.
"Canteen seem silent today?" Mandy asked.

"What kind of creatute are you?" HR leader asked.
"What power do you have to take the lion out of his den and follow you like a cat. Brace yourselves he is coming."

The HR greeted the boss everyone in the table followed. He sit beside the silent Mandy. Who doesnot mind the boss.

Randy came shocked and sit in front of Mandy. With a huge question look. Mandy texted him that the boss wants to eat here out of nothing.

Randy lighten the athmosphere in their table. When people on the table laughed. Other tables are also lighten up. It made the cafeteria in it's natural state.

"Guys i had fun today can i sit here tomorrow with you again?" Ryan asked happily.

"If you are not much busy sir, yes you may." The other employee said.

"It will help you loosen a bit also sir." The HR said.

"Thank you everyone" he stood then looked at Mandy. "Are you not coming Mandy?" He then smiled to everyone Mandy stood and followed the boss she sigh before she head on.

"Guys the boss is falling for the secretary" the HR voiced it out when the boss and Mandy are out of sight.

"Wait, what?" One of the food buddies asked.

Randy silenced and smiling wide. He remember his quarrel with the boss in tne office last time they meet face to face.
He texted his bestfroend
The boss is taking my best friend away from me. When is the flight to Thailand?

"Shut, i was to tell you but how he ate with us. Come tonight in my place."
Message from Mandy.

Me and Fabio will be there.

"Okay. See you."

Randy's tongue is itching to tell everyone about the trip. But it is Mandy to spoof that. He smiled and shook his head.

"Randy being quiet and sneaky do you know something? Are you gonna let the boss steal your girl?!!" The HR said.

Randy burst out the juice in his mouth spread almost on the faces but he manages to turn around good thing his left side is the edge of the table.

Randy does not come out yet byt soon he will.

"Eww! She is my sister since elementary. And she has someone in her heart a long time ago. And i have a lover as well." He said seriously. He wants to shout it that he is gay. But not yet.

Everyone back in their working places when the caffeteria clock warns 12:50.

The day is over.

"Mandy can i drive you home?" The boss asked Mandy.

"Maybe next time sir, i had plans with my friends tonight."

"When can we have a plan a night together Mandy?" The boss mumbles.

"What is it sir?" Mandy asked she know she heatd it but unsure it was a mumble and wispher she might mis interpret it so ahe let it go.

Tha boss saw her ride Randy's car. He tried to follow them but he is left behind on a traffic. He is lost. His last resort is to find a u thrn and go to Mandy's subdivission. But again stuck on the traffic.

Randy, Fabio and Mandy had a nice dinner, Fabio cooked when he recieved the text. Mandy just buy dessert and 4% alcohol. They are on the terrace when the boss revealed himself in the gate.

"Mandy!" Fabio shouted and pointed to the gate.

Mandy is a bit shocked. But Randy opened the gate.
"Good evening sir come on in."
Fabio smilled at him.
Ryan smiled back but gave sweetest smile to the shocked Mandy. Mandy get herself back to earth and greeted the boss.

Randy laughed seeing the tensions and questions. Ryan is one of the people he know he can read well.

"Fabio remember the the third person in the cycle of bestfriend i have with Mandy? It is him. Ryan our boss right now."
Randy said.

"Wow! Finally pleasure to meet you." Fabio said and extended his hand. Ryan took it.

"And Ryan sir, this is my boyfriend Fabio. We have been together since 3 years."
Randy said.

"Three years, official but over all 4 years duh!" Mandy said. "Look at your love he is embarssed" Mandy added.

"Sir, i know you can handle here me and my boyfriend have an unfinished bussiness in bed."
Randy said.

"Wait!" Mandy stopped them but the lovers are already in the gate.

"Fine" mandy said and started to gather the wine glasses and the wine.
Ryan followed her around.

"Sir, have you eaten dinner?" She looked at his way when she put the glasses in the sink. The boss shook his head. "We have pasta" he nooded.
She put it on plate and served it to him, then another plate of ground pork and beef with pea and chopped vegetables. Then a small plate of strips cut pork bbq. She poured wine on 2 glasses.

The boss eyes never leave her every move and mannerrism she make is watched carefully.

All along the person i'm jealous of is the real bestfriend who can never fall in love with you because he has different preferences.

The food on the table was offered to hom. But instead he pulled the the one who prepared it. "I can eat all of that later. But i want appetizer"

He liberately kiss Mandy. Made him moan when kiss was reciprocated. Slowly they moved to the sofa. Kiss never stopped he was wrapped with Mandy's arms but his is travelling somewhre inside the shirt of the other.

Mandy lies on the sofa under him. But he was pushed.
"Your food is gettong cold. You already had enough of your apetizer." Mandy said in almost a shout and firm tone.

She wanted this dream for this it is better than her dreams but she cannot fall for this. Afraid that history might repeat itself. That he might run again and hide from her. So this is enough for her.

She pushed him till they reach the table and make him sit. And yes he ate all of it.

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