001: The Truth

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When Kim Jaejoong was 9, he discovered the secret behind his identity purely by mistake.

That year was unexpectedly hot and not many would go out under the sun for no reason. However, as usual, Jaejoong found himself quietly resting in the corner of the garden under his favourite tree near the pond. Alone. Unlike the other child his age, Jaejoong is extremely shy and awkward. This is especially true considering his many shortcomings. And so, even though he's the oldest son, he's more or less invincible in the Kim's Residence and often left on his own. Yet, even from such a tender age, he's sensible. He's never resentful or disappointed by the lack of attention though sometimes he did long for his parents' kind smiles. A child is still a child, after all.

That day, Jaejoong almost fell asleep when he heard rushed footsteps followed by loud whispers. Obviously, the newcomers had no clue of his presence and Jaejoong kept his silence despite feeling a little uncomfortable. He was there first. Surely, nobody would suspect him of purposefully eavesdropping? Plus, he could not think of a way to make them aware of his presence without embarrassing himself anyway. Hopefully, he won't be discovered and it won't cause him any trouble.

"-try. After all, nobody can ignore the evidence. It was exactly as what the monk said. As soon as Master and Madam adopted First Master, they managed to conceive. Who would've thought after being childless for almost a decade, as soon as First Master came in the family they got one son after another?"

Jaejoong's breath got stuck in his throat. What?

"I guess so."

"Just test your luck. I heard the monk is not greedy, despite his capability. I'm sure he'll help you too, if he can. Go and see him first."

"But what if I'm also asked to raise an orphan? You know about my family's financial situation. My in-laws would definitely object. Moreover, they're not that religious. They don't really believe in this kind of thing."

"You must convince them in one way or another. Remember, if a woman can't birth a child, your days are not going to be easy. Your husband might even have to divorce you or take a mistress. Do you want that?"

"Of course not! You're right, I must try everything."

Jaejoong was still shocked and continued to stare into space long after the two maids disappeared. Although he was honestly surprised, he found himself unexpectedly understanding. After all, everything made sense when he considered the information. The reason why he always felt isolated despite everyone's attempt to accommodate him was because he really did not belong here. It wasn't because of his stutter. It definitely wasn't because of his poor academic performance or sickly nature. It was because he wasn't a Kim at all.

Strangely, Jaejoong wasn't that sad about it. At least he was lucky enough to be taken in by such a wealthy family. Other than the distance he felt, Father and Mother treated him kindly. He was fed, clothed, and given education as if he was one of theirs. In fact, they had never mentioned about his status even after facing his many flaws. Most importantly, they did not even abandon him after they're granted children of their own.

Jaejoong sighed. How could he repay them? He'd never thought about inheriting the family business. He knew about his faults better than anyone. He'd always realized he could never benefit the family no matter how hard he try thus the reason he carried himself carefully, not wanting to cause any more trouble. Now... Realizing that Father and Mother had to take him in, yet he performed poorly in every aspect and causing them shame, made him feel indebted even more.

And so, Jaejoong was only 9 that year as he made a vow that he'd do whatever it takes to protect the family that raised him up. It was the one and only promise he made by himself, unbeknownst to anyone else.

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