020: Fondness

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"Hu- hus- husband? Wake- wake up. We- we're home." Jaejoong caressed his husband's hand and lightly rubbed the side of the man's unexpectedly small head with his cheek, pleased at the rare show of dependency. Earlier, approximately two hours after the phone call, Yunho had soon arrived at the hospital and all the necessary procedures to take Jaejoong home were already completed.

Everything was all too easy and quick that Jaejoong idly wondered if there was another reason why his husband insisted him to stay in the hospital before.

Well, Jaejoong's fine and so is his family and their business.

Thus, he decided he doesn't really care and focused his attention on the person he missed instead.

Thankfully, other than looking a little worn out, his husband still carried the imposing aura and did not seem to be suffering any injury. God knows, while Jaejoong accepted and respected Yunho's career but he's not strong enough to have another scare like before. If it's inevitable, then at least, not so soon. Jaejoong can't take it.

That's why, although Yunho did not exchange any words with him, Jaejoong could only be grateful and relieved to see him. When his husband then wordlessly rested his head against Jaejoong's shoulder even before the limousine leave the hospital's car park, he was secretly ecstatic.


Yunho's quiet and stable breathing throughout the ride made Jaejoong believed the man was sleeping but judging by how quickly he responded to Jaejoong's gentle nudge, maybe he wasn't really asleep and trusting of Jaejoong yet.

A little part of Jaejoong instantly felt cold and wanted to complain as his husband directly leave the limousine but his rational self luckily managed to take control on time. Why should he complain? What right does he have? They entered this union with a clear understanding, love and trust was never included in their verbal agreement. This marriage was based on mutual benefit (though undoubtedly it was more beneficial for Jaejoong) and required only a lifetime loyalty from both side. According to that, Yunho had done nothing wrong.

Jaejoong bit his lips and exited the limousine. When he saw his husband waiting for him, his dissatisfaction disappeared and he willingly took hold of his husband's offered arm to happily walk beside him. Indeed. This is his home. Looking down, Jaejoong's cheeks slowly tinged red. Their home.

"Welcome back Third Master Jung, Master Jaejoong!" A row of chorus welcomed them as soon as they stepped in, immediately reminding Jaejoong of his first day here. Surprised, his first reaction was to look at Yunho.


Seeing their master's nod, everyone quickly left after a quick bow. All but one person.

Jaejoong tilted his head, sure he'd never seen her.

As if understanding his confusion, she smiled amiably. "Master Jaejoong, I am Lina. I'll be in your care from today onwards."

Oh? Jaejoong nodded his acknowledgement and the young woman bowed before leaving as well.

Jaejoong looked at her retreating figure until she entered the kitchen and he could no longer see her. Turning his sight to Yunho, Jaejoong frowned. "Hu- husband... I- I did- didn't see- Ye- Yerim?"

A shadow of darkness instantly flashed in Yunho's eyes even though his expression remained unchanging. "Dismissed."

Jaejoong waited for more explanation but his husband seemed to have finished with his answer. Jaejoong blinked then nodded, unsure what else to do. "Oh."

It was only hours later as they prepared to sleep when Jaejoong's mind suddenly supplied him with some  absurd but strangely believable thought.

Ridiculous! Slightly turning his body, he stared blankly at his husband's side.

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