007: Funny Ideas

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"I'll be unreachable for a while."

Jaejoong, surprised by his fiancé's first sentence, could not even respond with a hum. His grip on the phone tightened for some unknown reason, the same with his chest. It suddenly felt heavy and anxious. Is this the reason his fiancé called so early in the morning?

"My Personal Assistant will take care of everything when I'm gone. Zhao will make sure the preparation goes according to plan and you can tell your parents to deal with him for any matters regarding the Kims' business as well." As if an afterthought, he added another assurance. "I will be available a few days before the wedding."

Slowly, Jaejoong nodded.

"... Jaejoong?"

"Huh? Oh! I- I- I- Um, ta- take care Yun."

"I will."

Jaejoong thought his fiancé would've ended the call after that but surprisingly, the call was still connected. Not knowing what to say himself, Jaejoong kept his silence. Even if their relationship somewhat improved, it still doesn't change the fact that his fiancé's the one who's in control. Moreover, the difference in their age and status are just too great to ignore coupled with the fact that Jaejoong had never been good at taking charge.

"... Goodbye."

"Em. By- bye. I'll be wai- waiting."


Three weeks later and two days before their wedding, Jaejoong still know nothing about his fiancé's current whereabouts. He's more worried than nervous by now because even his fiancé's Personal Assistant refused to tell him much. Supposed his fiancé's still involved with the military, then Jaejoong's best guess is the man might've been involved with some top secret work for the military and-

Jaejoong instantly shook his head. He shouldn't overthink things too much. Surely his fiancé's diligently completing his task and would soon be back. Not understanding the true nature of his fiancé's work is a little exasperating but Jaejoong couldn't possibly nosed into matters of his soon-to-be-husband just because he's curious. After all, he owed the man for all that he'd done so far and Jaejoong had promised to be the best wife for him. Therefore, investigating the man is simply something he must never do, not even before their marriage. Besides, even if he's foolish enough to try, he doubted he'll be able to find out anything anyway. His fiancé had remained a mystery for the public throughout his 35 years of life and he was especially withdrawn for the last 7 years. Jaejoong had neither the power nor influence to change that.

So, Jaejoong decided that the best course of action for now is to wait. He should just be patient and trust him. His fiancé said he will be back before the wedding so he will. There's no reason for Jaejoong to doubt his words. It's not like he'll lose anything if his fiancé suddenly decided to disappear.

Actually, Jaejoong's quite sure his family won't be troubled much even if the wedding proceeded without one of the groom as long as he can be there to play his part. Majority of the public would've probably blamed the Jungs for letting their youngest abandoned the pitiful and stuttering groom on the altar all on his own. And thinking back on what he knew about the Jungs' family, perhaps they'll be the loudest voice to condemn the Third Master Jung and defended Jaejoong.

If it come to that...

Jaejoong closed his eyes and shook his head firmly, unwilling to entertain the troubling thoughts in his mind any longer. He won't be that ungrateful. Even with their 16 years gap, his fiancé had been the gentlest and most understanding person he'd ever met. How could he turn his back on him? If, for some reason, his fiancé couldn't make it in time for the wedding then Jaejoong would've thought of something to excuse his absence. If the Jungs' Main Family tried anything, then Jaejoong could even smear his own name to protect his fiancé's. It shouldn't affect his family much if he give up the Kims' name, would it? After all, he's not really the Kims' flesh and blood. Surely the Jungs' Main Family would spare them.

Jaejoong sighed, throwing a pebble into the pond dejectedly. What is this? First he worried over his fiancé's safety. Next, he's scheming against him as if the man's gone missing on purpose. Now he's actually thinking he has the capability to help him should problems arise? What kind of foolishness is this? Is he actually experiencing the wedding blues as his parents suggested? Seriously?

Again, a sigh escaped his lips. This time, a little louder than before.

"Why do you keep sighing like a maiden in distress? It's too late to back out of our arrangement, you know?"

A rare, but somewhat familiar chuckle, surprised Jaejoong and he scrambled to stand up and looked for its origin. "Yun!"

Another chuckle. "Hello."

Embarrassed with his previous excitement, Jaejoong stared at the ground as he calmed himself. Relax. Stop smiling so stupidly! "You- you're ba- back."

His fiancé nodded. "I'm sorry it took me longer than expected to finish my job."

"Oh. It- it's not a- a pro- problem." Jaejoong can't look at him in the eyes at all. If his fiancé found out about his wayward thoughts earlier, Jaejoong's sure he'll die of shame!

"Go and get changed. I already asked for your father's permission to take you out."

Jaejoong blinked. "Huh?"

"We're going to pick up our wedding rings."

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