019: Welcome

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To receive that text from Ah Ming, Jaejoong had been so giddy that he answered Ah Ming's call when his phone could barely start on the ringtone.

"Ah Mi- Ming! You- you're really co- co- coming here?!"

"Yes! Not lying! I forgot to tell you, the University I got into is in your city. So, I'm staying at its dormitory." Laugh. "I've been busy so forgive me for not telling you early. Well.. How are you?"

"It- it's okay! I- I'm fi- fine." Jaejoong bit his lips feeling a little guilty, but not that much, because his friendship with this person is not ordinary. They rarely shared about personal matters but since he's coming and they might meet, Jaejoong felt like indulging him with some information. "Ac- actually, I- I'm ma- married now."

"... You're joking?!"

Jaejoong laughed.

"Seriously, Jae?"

"Em! He- he's nice."

"... Wow. Of all people... I always think of you as someone who would be the last to get married among all my friends. Can't believe you're married this early! You should've told me. I would've find ways to come earlier to attend your wedding!"

Jaejoong smiled. Doong Ah Ming, this person can be considered as one of his best friend. They met 4 years ago during a national 5 days camp for students across the country. Jaejoong, the best student in his district was of course chosen to represent the schools in the area and Ah Ming also represented his own district somewhere from the north. They were randomly grouped together on the first day, and Jaejoong, who unluckily drew the lot to be their group's Leader and wasn't allowed to change with other group members, only managed to survive those 5 days because of Ah Ming's assistance throughout every activities.

From what Jaejoong remembered, Ah Ming's family migrated from another country when he was still a baby, and they faced a lot of challenges to make it in this country. Obviously, that led to Ah Ming's understanding, optimistic and patient personality. Before that, Jaejoong had never admired anyone like he was for Ah Ming. In fact, Ah Ming could actually be recognized as the actual leader for their group with how he handled things compared to the awkward Jaejoong who had no ability whatsoever in leading people. Among all 10 of their group members at that time, all aged between 15-16, only Ah Ming who never showed any resentment for having a stutterer as their Leader. Even when Jaejoong, due to his bad coordination, injured his hips during one of the few physical tasks and consequently dragged his group to losing because they had to continuously assist him, only Ah Ming sincerely coaxed and assured him.

That's why by the end of the camp, Jaejoong had only exchanged his contacts with Ah Ming.

So many years passed and they'd never had any opportunity to meet again but their friendship kept growing strong. It's the kind of bond in which they were not anxious even if they did not contact each other for months and would also not be troubled when one kept on calling or emailing the other.

As a person, Jaejoong could honestly say Ah Ming is the person who could understand him best and vice versa. It's funny because they barely tell each other any personal information, simply because there's no need. They're comfortable sharing random thoughts, thinking of what ifs, and entertaining possible future.

Ah Ming is also the first person who he could tolerate calling him anytime. Even though it's mostly Ah Ming talking and Jaejoong listening, it wasn't awkward or forced at all.

If anyone were to say Ah Ming is special to Jaejoong, Jaejoong will not disagree.

"It- It's okay." See. It doesn't matter Jaejoong got married without his knowledge. He's also unfazed with the gender. And most importantly, he wasn't bombarding Jaejoong with any questions at all.

"So, I'll wait for your arrangement?"

Jaejoong nodded. "Em." Naturally he'll have to ask for his husband's permission first before deciding about when and where to meet Ah Ming. He doubted Yunho would disagree but as a married man, it's his responsibility to respect his husband's feelings. It's not like it's a must for them to meet anyway. Jaejoong's sure Ah Ming felt the same way.

"Oh! Mom's calling! Apparently, I have to help her mow the lawn now since she'll have to pay others to do it after I'm gone. Okay, take care Jae!" He laughed again, loudly telling his mother he's coming and the call was cut.

Jaejoong wasn't offended at all. It's always like that.















Jaejoong wasn't prepared at all for the consecutive tone. The sound shocked him so much he almost throw away his phone too. Calming his erratic heartbeat, Jaejoong only managed to see the latest notification of a missed call from a familiar number. He'd memorized the number after their third phone call after all.

It's Husband's.

Before Jaejoong could check the other notification, the door suddenly opened and Im Seon Ho, Jaejoong's very own bodyguard (courtesy of his husband) appeared with a somewhat complicated expression.

"Mr Jaejoong, Third Master Jung-"

His words stopped as Jaejoong's caller ringtone rang loudly. Jaejoong signalled him to wait, looked at the screen and was surprised to see the caller.


Oh! Jaejoong's face reddened. Now he could guessed why there's so many notifications before. His husband had turned on his phone. Therefore, all his pending messages must've been sent successfully! And Yunho- His husband must've called after reading all those embarrassing things only to be redirected to voicemail because he was on the phone with Ah Ming! And he must've called Im Seon Ho instead. Oh why, why didn't he delete those stupid messages when he could?!

Jaejoong showed the bodyguard his phone and the man with full understanding, quietly left the room. Blinking a few times, Jaejoong chuckled helplessly and took a deep breath before he swiped right. "Hus- band?"

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