003: Unexpected Offer

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When Jaejoong came to, he's actually lying comfortably in a moving vehicle. He drowsily sat up and looked around. It must've been a limousine but he'd never ridden in one as spacious and elegant as this one. And what scared him most was that no matter how hard he recalled his memory, he couldn't remember why he should be in such an expensive vehicle at this moment. Panicked, he could only stare wide-eyed at the man sitting opposite of him. "I- I- I- I-" Aside from his stuttering, Jaejoong had always been a little weak-hearted and awkward. He's too honest and painfully insecure about himself that it made conversation with strangers almost an impossible task to accomplish. Facing with this kind of situation, isn't it obvious how scared he would be? His eyes, glistening with liquid, couldn't help but dart here and there erratically.

"You fainted."

"Ye- Yes? I'm- I'm sorry!" Jaejoong immediately apologized. His fear and confusion already replaced with worry and guilt. "I- I wasn't- feeling- feeling good- today. So- Sorry."

"You're the First Master of the Kim's Family?"

Again frightened, Jaejoong nodded unsurely. He could not remember ever seeing this person before. Even though Jaejoong's the First Master, Father rarely bring him out to socialize before due to his introvert nature and so his face wasn't that well known. Most importantly, it was a well known information that the Second Master, Kim Jihoon, was the real heir of the Kim. Not that it mattered anymore.

Still... How could this imposing man recognized Jaejoong? That said, why would anyone recognized him anyway? Their company is on the verge of bankruptcy, nobody would even spare them a glance anymore. Surely, he doesn't mean any harm...? After all, despite the piercing gaze, his eyes were not unkind so gradually Jaejoong found himself relaxing.

"Are- Are you- ta- taking- me home?"

The man slightly nodded and Jaejoong let out a soft relieved sigh. He wasn't really worried but having the assurance made him feel better.

"Tha- thank- thank you."

Jaejoong must've been unconscious for quite a while because not long after, the limousine stopped moving and someone announced that they'd already arrived at the Kim's Residence.

The door was opened wide and after exchanging glances with the stranger, Jaejoong slowly got out. He did not forget to slightly bow in order to show his gratitude too. "Thank- Thank you- for- for hel- helping me." He would've invited him for a drink to repay the man's help if only he wasn't mindful of his family's current condition. Nobody would've been able to entertain any guest right now. Even Jaejoong could understand that.

Again, the man simply nodded. Just when Jaejoong turned around, he heard the man cleared his throat so he naturally looked back at him. "Ye- Yes?"

"... Take care."

Jaejoong was honestly surprised but felt a little happy. Even a stranger could worry about him like that. Isn't that a good sign that everything will be alright in the end? He shouldn't lose hope just yet. Who know if they'll be able to get back up again in the future?

"Em!" Jaejoong smiled and for some reason, raised his hand up and waved goodbye. The man did not say anything nor did he wave back but Jaejoong was still pleased to watch the disappearing limousine. Needless to say, he was feeling a little less depressed that day.

It was only later that night that their whole family was shocked speechless to receive an unexpected proposal from an unexpected person.

The moment their guest left, all eyes landed on him and Jaejoong's eyebrows knitted on its own. "Wha- what- what does it- it mean? I- I don't- understand?"

Father frowned. "Before this, your Mother and I, we had tried to meet with many influential people including the Jung family, but to no avail. They're the original wealthy family who'd even have the royal blood in their veins... And they had no relation to us, we did not think it was strange for them to refuse. But this- This- How come their estranged youngest suddenly decided to help us? Do you know him, Jaejoong?"

Jaejoong wasn't even aware of who's who in that family so he simply kept his silence. He wasn't blind to that hopeful look in Father's eyes either.

"I've heard of some hearsay... Isn't he the Jung's child who went and got himself involved in military? The one who vowed never to marry? Why is he offering his help in exchange for Jaejoong's hand in marriage? What is the meaning of this? Is this some kind of a joke?" Mother was still sceptical.

"If you're not acquainted, then why?"

Even in Jaejoong's own opinion, this offer was too convenient. He's really not that talented to be exchanged with such wealth... However, he couldn't really say anything. Jaejoong really couldn't bear to dim the light in his brothers' expectant eyes. Who could blame them? After losing all hopes, suddenly someone appeared and gave them a reason to anticipate a good result. Who could remain logical?

"Maybe he- he saw me- some- somewhere?" Jaejoong tried, not really convinced himself. "Can he- hel- help us?"

"Of course. Even though he wasn't directly involved with the family's business, his standing is quite distinguished. I still remember when the previous Master Jung passed away, he inherited a lot more compared to the other grandchildren. Supposedly he's the previous Master Jung's favourite grandchild." Jihoon, who rarely spoke his mind so openly, must've did it to spare their parents. Jaejoong can't help but feel amazed with his brother. Surely, if they could survive this mess now, in the future their company would prosper again under Jihoon's leadership. He had no doubt about it at all.

"Then- then let's a- agree! I-I agree- agree Father!"

Mother looked at him for a long time but in the end said nothing. His parents' silence was enough to tell him that this is really the only way. Jaejoong wasn't at all nervous or sad though. Rather, he felt a little relieved and proud. He does not know why that Jung Yunho suddenly wanted to help them and he does not care what would happen to him in the future. Even if he's going to be taken advantage of and discarded in the end, he thought that it would be worth it.

As long as the man could help them now, Jaejoong would say yes to anything. No matter what happen in the future, he would still be happy. Indeed, he would be very happy because he could finally be useful.

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