018: One After Another

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Jaejoong ended up staying at the hospital longer than expected. At first, the doctors mentioned it'll only be a few days, a week at most, but Yunho suddenly had work and for some reason decided it's best to let the doctors continue monitoring Jaejoong until his return so the short hospitalization dragged on.

By now, Jaejoong had learned to differentiate his husband's type of work. If it's the normal kind of work, Yunho's working hours was almost similar to that of an office worker. He'll usually leave for the Ministry of Defence Complex early in the morning and return in the afternoon just after lunch hour. Occasionally, there are times he'll return very late too. However, Jaejoong could still contact Yunho by calling or sending text messages but depending on how busy his husband was, the call might be directed to voicemail and his reply might take a while. When Jaejoong was hospitalised though, his husband had always come and visit before leaving and when returning from work.

On the other hand, the days when Yunho literally went missing should be the time when he's assigned an important or perhaps, dangerous, work. His phone won't be available during this whole period and nobody seemed to know anything about his location. This is the second time it happened, and based on Jaejoong's experience with his husband's disappearance before their wedding, there's no telling when he'll return.

Jaejoong obviously wasn't that accepting to stay cooped-up in some hospital ward no matter how luxurious it is but he couldn't deny the fact that he was feeling better just days after staying in the hospital, could he? Even though the doctors said they can't determine his cause of sickness, the fact that he recovered under their care couldn't be ignored. Currently, his body no longer tremble for no reason, his small appetite also recovered, and he no longer had any unreasonable fainting spells. Unfortunately though, he's still haunted with headache once in a while.

So in the end, the Jaejoong who disliked hospitals and medicines had to grievously agree.

It's now been a week since he last saw or heard from his husband and day 13 of his "hospitalization". Jaejoong's body is getting better but for his heart and mind, it's the opposite.

Thinking of it, even if he's home now, what difference does it make? He would still feel lonely because Yunho won't be there when he woke up in the morning and at nights, no matter how late he waited, his husband will still not come back. After all that home is still not a familiar place to Jaejoong without Yunho in it.

Then... What kind of emptiness would he feel then?

Really, he's becoming quite a lovelorn fool. It seemed like those silly romance novels were not really that baseless after all.

Yesterday Assisstant Zhao had paid him a visit and even asked him if he finally wanted to tell the Kims about his so called hospitalization, perhaps taking pity on him since he had no visitor at all. Naturally, Jaejoong refused the offer. He's not sick. At least, based on the advanced and thorough medical check-up. Why worry Father and Mother about it? Now that they're back on their feet, they must focus on their business even more. Most importantly, due to his husband's pressure, it seemed like the lawsuit's settling soon. Better let them direct their full attention on it, who knew what'll come up during this important time?

And it's not like he's lonely for company... (He's just a little bit gloomy because he misses Yunho.) Jaejoong had always been a loner anyway.

In addition, saying he's "hospitalized" was rather misleading, isn't it? In truth, he felt like he's more on a vacation instead. His movement wasn't really restricted and his diet not really controlled. Plus, no medicines and injections so far. Jaejoong ate nutritious and delicious food for every meal, was provided with assortment of books and allowed to surf the Internet freely, and even the large screen in the middle of the room could give him a realistic movie experience. Not to mention, the little gym that Jaejoong had absolutely no interest in was also available for him to use anytime he wanted.

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