002: The Kim's Downfall

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The Kim's Residence had never been so still and lifeless. Even when the whole family members were not at home, there had always been uncountable number of maids and butlers working here and there. But now...

"As everyone is aware, the company had been facing problems..." Father started and everyone turned silent. Deep inside, Jaejoong knew everyone could tell how grave their situation is. If the dwindling numbers of servants are not enough as evidence, surely the many news and reports about their situation since the beginning of the year had already enlightened even the most ignorant of them all. "I had tried to solve the issue but it seemed like luck is not on our side this time."

If only the onslaught of plagiarism cases didn't occur, even with the recession Jaejoong believed they should still be able to hold out for a while longer. At the very least, until the lawsuit settled. However, nothing can be done given the unexpected timing. The Kims family are well known for their jewellery business but the company was created painstakingly from nothing. The blow this time was too much for the 39 years old business to withstand and it seemed like this is it.

"We... might have to declare bankruptcy."

Jaehwan, the second youngest of them all started crying. Jihwan, the older twin of the two, immediately held his hand even though his eyes were getting red and his lips trembled.

Jaejoong felt just as helpless. At least he'd finished school and was just waiting for college acceptance, and if he's accepted, even if he had to forsake his education, Jaejoong won't really mind. He's not that smart after all. But his brothers... "Is- is there- no- nothing- nothing else- tha- that -that can- help?"

Father and Mother shook their heads at the same time. "Apart from recovering the public's trust, our financial state is also really bad. Unless someone's willing to lend us some fund and support us for a long term, there's nothing we can do." Mother slowly explained. She's one of the Chief Designer in the company and so, was fully aware of the situation in her husband's company. "Everyone will have to withdraw from their current schools as we couldn't afford the fees anymore. Other than Jaejoong and Jihoon who'll stay here to help your father settle everything, everyone else will move to Grandfather Lim's house with me in two days. We'll wait for Father and your brothers there. After things calmed down a little, we'll make sure everyone can go back to school."

"Yes, Mother." Everyone simultaneously answered in a weak voice. Undoubtedly, things will never be the same anymore. Their life will have a complete change soon.

"Jaejoong, Jihoon, Jaewon, Jihwan, Jaehwan, Jaehyun... We are truly sorry it come to this. I never thought my Father's hard work would end up this way. Really... I don't know how to face him in the afterlife. I've wronged every one of you too."

Hearing the apology from Father, Jaejoong immediately stood up and knelt in front of their parents. Looking at them from such a close distance, the signs of their weariness were even more visible. Jaejoong felt even more sorry. "N- no... Don't- don't apologize. You- you've raised- us- us well. We- we're sorry- we- can- cannot do- do anything- to- he- help the- company- at- at all."

Having said that, Jaejoong found himself crying too. He always thought he was useless but now, he felt worst than that.

That feeling of helplessness plagued his senses and he couldn't sleep well that night. However, as soon as he woke up and read his friend's reminder about their appointment later in the afternoon, Jaejoong simply decided to go anyway. After all, he's not sure if he'll ever be able to meet them again. They would eventually stay at Mother's hometown, a place quite isolated and still far from modernization. Jaejoong doubted anyone would be willing to travel that far just to visit him in the future. Even though Mother came to the city to work when she was young and stayed after marrying into the Kim family, Grandfather Lim never agreed to move or renovate his house. That's why he still stayed in his old house near the mountain. Thinking about it, Jaejoong felt even more sad. How could they trouble old Grandfather Lim like this?

By 11 in the morning, Jaejoong had obtained permission to go out and meet his friends. In reality, Jaejoong don't really have many friends. Even these friends he's meeting were mostly childhood friends whom he bonded through their similar interest in books and music. Jaejoong's not good at socializing so his circle of friends are very normal and limited. Everyone here knew about his family's situation but they were not from wealthy families and therefore, unable to help, so, everyone steered clear of that topic as they tried their best to cheer him up.

Unknowingly, the stress accumulated throughout the month finally took a toll on his body and he found himself feeling a little strange the longer he stayed and listened to his friends. After a meagre lunch, Jaejoong finally hugged each and every single one of his close friends before he bade them goodbye and promised to keep in touch. He refused to let anyone see him out of the restaurant so he was all alone when his body suddenly swayed before he could stop any taxi and he lost his footing. Jaejoong couldn't even feel the fear yet when his eyes closed and he lost all consciousness.

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