011: Nobody Knows

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For Jaejoong to fall asleep is relatively easy; no matter where it is he just need to dim the light a little and make sure there's no loud noises. Once he'd fallen asleep though, unless it's a level of temperature or pain that he can't stand, Jaejoong could never wake easily. Whether someone moved his body or screamed into his ears, as long as his body still need the sleep, he would still continue sleeping and not realize anything. He had always been that kind of heavy sleeper.

That's why over the years, Jaejoong developed a habit of creating multiple alarms on his phone. Last night his phone died halfway through reception and he'd totally forgotten to charge it before sleeping thus by the time Jaejoong woke up, sunlight had already shadowed the curtains and his husband was no longer on the bed. Because his phone cannot be turned on, Jaejoong switched on the television since most channel usually show the time somewhere on the screen.

What? It's already 11.09am! Jaejoong's face whitened in disbelief. No wonder his husband was nowhere to be found!

Jaejoong immediately scrambled to shower in order to find his husband. He must apologize for such shameful behaviour on their first day of marriage.

"Have you eaten breakfast?"

Jaejoong was still drying his hair when he heard the familiar voice. In the confusion, he automatically swallowed his apology. Usually hotels only served breakfast until 9, right? He winced, cheeks red. Maybe Husband thought he woke up before that and went to get breakfast on his own?

"N- no. I- I woke- up l- late." And even if he woke up on time, Jaejoong won't go anywhere without his husband's permission anyway. In addition, they just got married and some of his as well as Husband's relatives were staying in the same hotel too. What should Jaejoong say if any of them see him eating alone? What would they say if they knew he was wandering alone because he woke up so late? "S-sorry."

His husband frowned. "You didn't order anything?"

"Oh- oh." Jaejoong blushed. He'd forgotten about the room delivery service.

Smiling ruefully, Husband shook his head. "I shouldn't have left you and went to the gym alone. Let me change my clothes, then we'll go for lunch. Can you wait?"

Jaejoong eagerly nodded. Earlier, he wasn't feeling hungry at all but now that they're talking about it, his stomach does feel a little empty.

But it seemed like his hunger would have to wait a little longer before it can be soothed. Instead of making their way to the Restaurant, his husband led him to take a right turn and walked towards the Main Entrance of the Hotel. "We- we're- going out?"

"Hm." Already outside, his husband pulled him closer. "It's not far. Do you mind walking a little?"

"It's- o- okay." Despite not knowing the exact distance, Jaejoong agreed because he believed his husband won't suggest anything impossible for him. Even though they just met not too long ago, and he doesn't know his husband that well, but his faith is absolute. Moreover, even though Jaejoong's body is generally weaker than most of his peers, it's not that hopeless that he can't even handle a long walk.


Their walk was actually a little lonely because his husband kept his silent and Jaejoong, unable tp help himself, keep glancing at his husband and raking his brain to find words to say but to no avail. A few minutes passed and since they walked slow, they were just finally out of the hotel's vicinity.

Needless to say, there were more people walking on the pavement now and Jaejoong naturally shrink his body whenever people passed by. As someone who's unused and uncomfortable with physical touch, he'd developed a keen instinct or awareness in regards of distance between him and other people. Even without looking, he unconsciously moved away as soon as he felt people near. Everytime it happened, it looked like he's pushing himself even harder and closer to his husband. But his husband did not seem to mind this so Jaejoong immediately squashed that feeling of embarrassment and guilt. It is his husband after all. If Husband doesn't mind, Jaejoong obviously should not be ashamed.

Especially when Husband wordlessly changed their position.

With the wall close on his left and his own husband on the right, Jaejoong immediately felt calmer and continued walking with his head up. Everybody seemed to distant themselves appropriately now that his husband's the one on that side. Jaejoong no longer need to be defensive against any accidental contact with strangers.

That was when all of a sudden, a strange revelation came to his mind.

Now that Jaejoong thought about it, he was never that guarded against his husband even from their first meeting. He was naturally shocked and scared (considering the situation at that time, who wouldn't?) but he clearly remembered there was no feeling of dread or suppression. Even when his husband first held his hand and refused to let go during their second meeting, Jaejoong did not think of the action as shameful or unbearable. In fact, he recalled feeling only upset and nervous that such intimacy would make the Third Master Jung misunderstood, since he was not yet aware of his husband's identity at that time. How come it's like that?

That's really out of his character.

Jaejoong bit his lips. Why was it different? That time, Jaejoong was sure he's not yet infatuated with his husband. So, why? Why did Jaejoong react differently with him? Why did Jaejoong act as if he's not a stranger? Why?

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