010: First Night?

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The longer the silence dragged on, the more awkward (and stupid) Jaejoong felt. Unconsciously bunching the thick and fluffy quilt in his hands, Jaejoong daringly cleared his throat. "Hus- husband? We- we- we're not do- doing it?"

His husband seemed to be genuinely surprised, perhaps not expecting such bold question coming from him. Well, Jaejoong knew sooner or later he'll have to perform his duty anyway so in a way he thought it's better not to draw out what's inevitable. He even wore just this plain pajama after the bath! Who would've known that after his husband's done with his shower as well, the man went straight to the empty side of the bed and started busying himself with his phone completely ignoring Jaejoong?

Couldn't he see Jaejoong's stiff body next to him?

And now that his husband finally put down his phone, why would he pull the blanket and lay down just like that?

Or was Jaejoong in the wrong for not following the suggestion in the book he read last night; the one that mentioned about sexy lingerie or full nudity as a way to make the first night memorable? But for a virgin 19 years old young man, that's asking a little too much.

"Hm. We're both tired. Let's wait until we're at home."


So, at least his husband did not blatantly blame it all on Jaejoong's sickly nature or apparent lack of sex appeal. Moreover, now Jaejoong knew he had to endure the nervousness for another day. Or two.

Jaejoong frowned, unable to decide whether it's a good thing or bad. Should he be grateful for the chance to hold on to his virginity even if just for a while longer?


Jaejoong nodded. However, instead of closing his eyes, Jaejoong actually got up and went to get some more clothes. From the corner of his eyes, Jaejoong noticed his husband's curious gaze and the unwavering gaze made him flustered. Actually, it's also making him feel all sorts of other things that he couldn't explain or understand.

"It's- it's co- cold." Jaejoong shyly informed as he wore a thick knee length shirt on top of that newlybought pajama of his and he even finished with his favourite hoodie. It's the thickest and the warmest he owned.

"I can switch off the air conditioner." His husband actually sounded a little helpless as he said it.

Jaejoong turned to give him a smile and slipped back under the blanket. "E- even off, with no- no heating, it's- it's still- going to be- be cold for- me. I- I'm- not good- wi- with cold temp- temperature."

Judging from the fact that his husband's wearing only a thin, white slim fit singlet and loose gray sweatpants, Jaejoong knew one of them have to compromise. If it gets colder, Jaejoong could just add more layers to his clothing... But if his husband felt hot and uncomfortable when sleeping, then the man could only remove all his clothes. What if he's already nude yet he still feel hot? Isn't that bad?

Needless to say, Jaejoong felt like his decision is the best. He doesn't mind compromising like this. After all, even back at home in the Kims' Residence, his room is the only place without air conditioner. Yet sometimes, when it rains heavily in the night, Jaejoong even found himself needing to wear 5-7 layers before he could sleep peacefully. He's used to it.

In addition, the current temperature is not that low. Jaejoong believed he could manage with his current clothing. Plus, the comforter and blanket provided here are the thick and heavy type too.

His husband seemed to ponder about something and did not respond for quite a time.

"Sh- should I- turn- turn off- th- the light?" Jaejoong hesitantly asked. It was getting late after all and now the exhaustion finally caught up with him and he really need as much rest as possible.

Staring at him, his husband aimed the remote towards the air conditioner and Jaejoong could distinctly hear the beep three times. His husband had increased the temperature a little! Jaejoong happily smiled in gratitude and switched off the lights on his side. His husband followed his action not a second later.

"Good night..." There was a subtle pause but the word followed was said with obvious certainty. "Wife."

In the darkness, Jaejoong's face reddened but he couldn't help his pleased smile at all. Even his voice seemed to change because of that acknowledgement he received even when there were just the two of them here. "Hm! Goo- good- good night, Hus- band."

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