Chapter Three

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Three Weeks.

It's been three exhaustingly long weeks since Alex Hollestelle waltzed into my life.

His charm and charisma made sure to secure him a spot along with the popular kids in our school, despite his being there a short while. And he flaunted it like a prize sometimes.

I wouldn't call him annoying, more so along the lines of mildly frustrating. He was perhaps one of the flirtiest boys at the school and practically had every girl already wrapped around his finger.

He even made me a little weak-kneed sometimes. Though, I'd never tell him that, lest I add to his already ever-expanding ego.

He was in every single one of my classes, except for third period Anatomy and Physiology, which was a blessing to me, because the last thing I needed was him cracking annoyingly irrelevant jokes in the back of the class.

However, I'll give credit where credit is due. Despite his rebellious bad-boy façade, Alex was perhaps one of the most intellectually gifted students in our class. I often found myself competing with him in Trig to answer the questions first. It was sort of like a silent competition between us. He'd rapidly answer a question and wink in my direction, and I'd retaliate by answering the next question and smirk his way.

I bet it annoyed Mr. Mason, but at least SOMEONE in the class was answering his questions now.

As I walked down the hall to exit the school with Diana and Mac at my side, All Diana could talk about was how cute Alex was.

"And those EYES!" She exclaimed. "They're like pools of melted emeralds! Ugh! I could just DROWN in them!"

"How poetic." I mumbled sarcastically.

Diana didn't seem to hear me, or care, because she soon bounced to the next topic. "Do you think he'd be interested in having sex?" She asked bluntly. Mac and I looked at her like she'd completely lost all common sense, which, in a way, she had.

"Um...That's an uncomfortable question" Mac said, her voice trailing off into a laugh, which we all joined in on.

Diana turned to me, once all our amusement had drifted off. "You know, I've heard rumors that you and Alex have gotten really acquainted over these past few weeks." She began with a smirk.

"Not in the way that you're implying." I said with a playful eye roll.

She grinned anyway. "You two do partner projects together,"

"We're forced to." I interrupted

"You glance at each other from across the room in Trig,"

"Really it's more of an angered glare."

"And you constantly mumble to each other in English class."

"We're exchanging sassy and witty comebacks, not flirting."

"But it could be interpreted as such." Diana pointed out smugly

"Not the way we do it." I stated.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever you wanna call it. You got introduced and that's the really important part. Now, answer this for me!"

Oh no, here it comes I thought.

"Does he have a 'top', or 'bottom' personality?"

I couldn't help but let a laugh slip out. "Diana, that's a pretty direct question." I tilted my head at her.

Diana smirked."I'm like a cheetah, Circe. I scope out my prey's habits and personalities before going in for the kill."

"Diana, that's a pretty disgusting metaphor." Mac said with a small smile

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