Chapter Four

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I hate Trigonometry.

Yes, I'm aware that hate is a strong word, but that's the ONLY word in the human dictionary that needs to be used to describe that class.

As I sat there working to solve the worksheet that Mr. Mason had given us, I suddenly regretted not focusing on the lesson today. Alex didn't answer any questions and I saw no need to one-up any other students, so I found myself dozing off.

But once I knew that that stupid worksheet was for a grade and I was only on problem four out of thirty, I began to mentally kick myself.

Suddenly the girl who sat beside me, Blair, I think, tapped the tip of her pencil on the edge of my desk. I sighed out of my nose. Heaven KNOWS that if she asked me about a question, I was going to fucking FLIP.

But even so, I turned to her and raised both of my eyebrows in a questioning way. She said nothing. She simply handed me an overly glittered pink envelope. It looked like an invitation of sorts.

I turned back towards her. "Who am I supposed to pass this to?" I asked silently.

"No one." She replied. "It's for you."

I blinked. For me? There had to be some sort of mistake. I didn't know Blair well enough to get invited to one of her parties. We never even conversed out of class. Unless of course all those times I gave her the answers to Trig questions had paid off.

"Me?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." Blair gave me the once over before rolling her eyes and explaining. " I invited Alex earlier today but he declined. He wanted to know if you'd be there and I said probably not. Then he claimed that he wasn't going to show up unless you were coming." Blair rolled her eyes and silently mumbled. "For whatever reason."

I glared at her as she turned back around to do her work. The nerve of this bitch!

But then I found my eyes on Alex.

He usually sat by the window, which meant he was far away from my seat in the back of the class. He was hunched over his worksheet, diligently writing down equations and solving problems, no doubt. I silently wondered why he enjoyed my company so much.

_ _ _ _

The week seemed to fly by but on the other hand, Friday went by the slowest. But when the school day finally ended and I had gotten myself together, I was ready to go to the park to meet Alex.

I'd decided to go for two reasons: One, If Alex is interested in the Elementalist species, then it would be nice to have someone else to talk to every once in a while; to have someone to relate to. And Two: I just wanted to get out of the house and my weekend schedule was blank before his offer.

I clomped down the stairs toward the living room. Mom was in the kitchen making dinner and dad was attempting to help her.

Spaghetti. I could already smell it.

"Hey, mom, dad? Can I borrow the car to meet a friend at the park?"

Mom looked up from the pot of spaghetti sauce she was stirring. "Sure thing, honey." she pointed to the drawer where the keys were usually kept.

"If you wreck the car, Circe Jane Lewis, the payments are going to come straight out of your pocket." My dad teased.

I grabbed the keys from the drawer and smirked at him. "I'll be sure to remember that when the firefighters are using the Jaws of Life to free my trapped, unconscious body from the car."

My mother gasped and was swift to smack me with the handle of the ladle she was using. "Don't joke like that!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I left the house mumbling a rather moody,"Yes ma'am."

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