Chapter Six

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"Are you sure this is the place?" My dad asked as we pulled up in front of a rather large house that was decked out with light's streamers and, of course, drunken teenagers. He frowned as he saw two kids stumbling around the front yard and weakly shoving at each other as if they were preparing to fight.

"This is the address on the invitation, so I guess so, dad." I smirked, half trying to help him let go of his obvious worries.

He looked out the window before looking at me again. "Are you sure you want to be here? It doesn't look like your type of scene-"

"Dad, please. I'm seventeen. One more year and I'll be a legal adult. I'm sure that I can handle myself. Plus, I'll only stick around Diana and Mac, okay? I promise." I gave him a small smile.

He looked me over before sighing and holding out his hands for a hug, which I gladly gave him. "Stay safe. And call me the second you feel like you want to leave."

I opened the door and climbed out. "Alright dad. Love you!"

"Love you too!" He called, but the closer I walked to the house, the more muffled his voice became due to the pounding music.

And it only got worse when I opened the door. I was drowned in the smell of booze, chips, and vomit when I walked in the doorway. It was an effort to not add to the stench with my own bile. The music was loud and unforgiving and the strobe lights attached to the ceiling pulsed to the beat of the tune.

Dad was right. This was NOT my type of scene. I awkwardly shuffled around students who were dancing, talking or dry humping one another. It was pretty disgusting, really. Once I found a quiet corner, I just stood there.

The only reason it was so quiet was probably due to the kids smoking marijuana right beside me. God, I felt so weird.

"Circe?" I looked up suddenly, prepared to see Alex smirking at me and ready to make a comment about how he knew I was secretly a junkie. But my heart sank a little when I saw it was only Caleb.

Not because I didn't enjoy Caleb's company, though.

He made his way over to me with a grin. "Wow," He began, "I didn't expect to see you here. You look good, by the way. Mint green is a great color on you."

I looked down at the sleeveless tee-shirt that I'd bought that morning and smiled. "Thanks." He gave me an awkward closed lipped smile and I could tell the conversation was going stale. And to be left alone was the last thing that I wanted."You don't look too shabby yourself." I quickly added.

He chuckled before gesturing towards his blue shirt that was covered by a leather jacket. "Got to dress to impress."

I smiled at him and turned my attention back to the rest of the party goers, hoping he would take control of the conversation. "So...I never expected you to show up at a place like this." He drank some of the contents of his red solo cup before continuing, "What's your motivation?"

I shrugged. "Ya know, friends. Diana and Mac practically begged me to come." I lied. I didn't want him to know that the main reason I was here was because of another guy.

He nodded and chuckled. "Yeah. They always were party girls. Especially Diana. I'm not too surprised that she was one of the main causes of you being here. She always was like that."

I smiled along with him. "Ya know, I remember when we first met. It was at a party like this one actually, close to the end of our, what, eight grade year?"

I laughed and nodded. He beamed and continued talking, his blue eyes twinkling with the memory. "Gosh we were so young. But I thought that you and your brown hair and baggy sweater were the absolute hottest thing." I was happy that the room was dark, or else he would've seen me blushing profusely. "We looked so out of place. But being with you right felt right."

He looked over at me. "You were right."

Time itself stopped and Caleb's eyes grew tenderer as they gazed upon me. "Circe, if I'm being completely honest, which I am, I miss what we had. And I don't know if it's all the beer that I've been drinking or just some random bout of courage that's coming in the moment, but I just have to say it outright."

My heart began to beat faster. 'Not now' I silently begged. 'Please, not now. Not here. Not in this exact moment'

"Circe! Girl you made it!" I'd never turned to look at a human being so fast in my life. Caleb instantly stiffened and lengthened the space between us a little bit, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and grinning at Diana as she approached.

"Diana! Hey! Yeah I decided to come." I smiled, brushing some loose strands of hair behind by now reddened ear.

She giggled and pointed at Caleb. "And you're getting in some old fashion action too! ~" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Okay, Circe I see you."

Caleb and I glanced at each other for a split second before I tumbled into a spiraling mess of, "No no no!" and, "It's not like that!", and "You've got the wrong idea!".

Caleb however, didn't say a word.

Diana smirked and laughed before winking. "Whatever you say, Circe." She leaned past me to see Caleb. "Hey, I need to borrow you're date for a hot minute, but she'll be right back, okay?"

Not even giving me time to respond, Diana steered be away from the corner and towards the mass of party goers.

"Wow, Circe. I don't think I've ever seen you have that intense of a conversation with Caleb since the day you guys broke up. And I don't even think that it was like that!" Diana noted as we passed a group of guys playing beer pong. "What were you talking about?"

I shrugged."He wanted me to come to the football game in two weeks. To hang out and reconnect. I wasn't really feeling it."

Diana nodded and pulled out a bottle of pills. "What are those for?" I asked. She looked up at me just as she popped one into her mouth.

"I call them my "Chill Pills". I use them when I'm planning on having a good time. She nudged me and winked.

I smiled and scoffed, earning a laugh from Diana. Suddenly she gasped. "Oh my gosh. Alexander Hollestelle came!"

I whipped around and my eyes widened. Alex was sauntering my way, a confident smirk on his face and an unfamiliar gleam in his green eyes. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He grinned as he made his way over to me. "Hey! Snow White! You made it!" He stuck his hands into the pockets of his black ripped jeans.

"And you're late." I retorted, crossing my arms. Not that that mattered or anything. I was just happy that he came.

"Fashionably so." He smirked.

Diana looked between us and gestured behind her. "Well, I'm going to go find Mac." She stated simply before making herself scarce.

Alex turned his attention back to me. "Well now party girl, now that we're alone-". I smacked his arm, earning a laugh. "Okay, that's fine. Whatever. Let's just... He shrugged. "I don't know hang out somewhere." He motioned towards the party. "I don't know about you but being here isn't cutting it for me."

"Well, I don't know this house at all, so I don't know of any secret hideaway places and I'm pretty sure that every once vacant room is...occupied." I winced.

Alex pointed up "You can never go wrong with the roof."

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