Reunions and Stuff

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One month later

California was beautiful. It has nothing on that small town in New York..that place didn't even have a movie theater. Well, it did but it was broken down and nobody had the energy to fix it back up again.

Earlier today I met up with my old friend Stacy. I haven't seen this girl in so long. 3 years ago, she moved here because of a family situation that she never wanted to talk about. I almost didn't recognize her when we met up. She had lost a bunch of weight and her short brown hair grew out and was dyed to be an amazing blonde. I am so jealous. Why can't I be that pretty? Its just not fair.

"I'm so hungry. Do you want to grab something to eat?" Stacy asks

"Uh yeah sure. What's good around here?" I reply looking around. We have been walking at the beach for almost 2 hours now and I really don't want to leave. I love the California air so much right now. And the people are so great. I could just stand here and people watch all day. There is a lady sitting down with four kids eating the biggest ice cream cones I have ever seen. And next to them there is a man laying down tanning with a speedo that is about 3 sizes too small for him. Okay, I didn't need to see that. But come to think of it now I am kind of hungry.

"Uh well there is a really good burger place right over there," Stacy says pointing at a small store. "Or there is a nice sandwich and salad shop not too far from here. You pick."

"The burger place is fine. They have tables to sit outside. Its a really nice day" man, I love the view.

We make our way to the restaurant and as we wait in line to order something catches my eye. I look over and I see a tall boy with messy black hair. He seems familiar. Then it strikes me. Its the guy from the plane! Oh my god I'm about to pass out. How can this be?! I'm freaking out on the inside.

"Hey are you feeling okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.." Stacy gives me a very concerning look

"Uh well..its nothing. I know that guy over there, that's all." I am trying to be as calm as possible. Wait a second, where's the blonde? I don't seem to see her. What was her name again? Anabel! That's it! Anabel and Jesse. I don't seem to see Jesse with anybody. Well except another boy who looks to be about the same age. He has long-ish black hair and is wearing a big white T-shirt with a chain necklace, black skinny jeans, and black Vans. Wow, they have good taste in clothes.

Its our turn to order our food so I just get their specialty burger and fries. I didn't concentrate on the menu so I just got the first thing I saw. Stacy ended up getting the same.

"Please step to the side to wait for your order. Your order number is on the receipt. Enjoy!" The girl behind the cash register says with a kind smile. I take the receipt from her and we walk over. I am hoping that Jesse doesn't notice me but at the same time I want him too. Oh my god he's looking this way! But he doesn't see me. Either that or he does but he's just ignoring me. That's cool too.

"225! Order number 225, your food is ready!" One of the employees yell out. Stacy takes our tray and asks if I want to sit outside. I just tell her that its too hot to sit outside right now but that's an obvious lie. I just want Jesse to see me. So I put our food down at a table that is kind of close to them and sit down.

"So who's the guy you're staring at?" Stacy questions with a half smirk across her face.

"Oh haha we just sat next to each other on the plane. He's really cool," I say as I take a bite of my burger.

"Hmm...he's really attractive too. He and the other guy he's with!" Stacy adds.

"We shouldn't be staring at them, they might think we are stalkers or something!" I need to not focus on them right now. Its giving me anxiety.

"Okay, okay. Let's just eat our food."

We finish our food and I grab the tray to throw our garbage out. As I turn around to head back to the table, I find myself crashing into somebody. "Oh sorry," I say in a small voice.

"Haha no you're fine!" A deeper voice responds.

I look up and my heart just sinks. Its Jesse.

"Oh my god, hi!" He says with a smile.

"Oh heyyy" I say back. I am at a loss for words honestly.

"Andy, right? Long time no see! Hey this is my buddy Zach." He pats the shorter boy on the back. He just smiles and looks at the ground. I'm not gonna lie, this is kind of awkward.

We exchange a few short awkward sentences and then it happens. What I never expected happens.

"So. I was wondering if I could get your number?" Jesse says in a smaller voice.

"Huh? I'm sorry aren't you dating that one blonde girl?" Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. I'm scared that he will suddenly remember and just say forget it.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't get somebody's number. I mean its not like I'm asking you out or anything. You seem like a good person that I would like to get to know a little more about." He laughs

"Okay," is all I can say before giving him my number. He types it into his phone and that was it. The shorter boy and Jesse are on their way and I am just standing here shocked. Stacy grabs my arm and pulls me out of the restaurant and starts jumping up and down like I just got 1st place in a 100 mile run. It feels like that though. I wonder if he will ever actually contact me. Probably not.

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