The Talk

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Its been a few weeks since I spoke to Zach. Not one call, not one text, nothing. I knew that it would be the best for both of us if we just lost contact. I hung out with Jesse maybe three times in the past month but we do text each other most of the time. Part of that is because he is busy with band stuff but its mostly because I am scared. I don't want to lose him, or any of the band, for that matter. I have created a special bond with Mikey and Jeremy and Brandon are like my brothers to me. To lose any of them will be one of the worst things that could happen. I especially don't want to lose Jesse. Even though I keep telling myself that, I cant stop thinking about Zach either. I don't know what I'm going to do about any of this but I guess I will just go with the flow.


Today at work was a rather slow day. There wasn't too many people which was nice. I like the silence. I was sitting at the counter organizing items when the store door opens and the bell rings.

"hello, welcome to Chic Perfections! Let me know if you need anything." I greet the customers with, without looking up from my work.

"Hey!" A girl's voice calls out from the entrance.

When I look up, I see Lauren, Mikey's girlfriend, entering with a big smile.

"Oh hey Lauren!" I greet her.

"Where have you been lately?! I haven't seen you at the boys' house!" She walks up to me.

"Ohh..well, you know. I have just been really busy lately."

"Well I have missed you!"

I just smile at her and continue to organize some stray papers.

"Hey, I probably shouldn't ask you this but do you know what's going on with Zach? He's been acting not himself lately. I asked Mikey what has gotten into him and he said he doesn't know and maybe you would know." She looks up at my with curious eyes.

"No. I don't know what his problem is. What has he been acting like?" Now, I'm curious too.

"Oh I don't know. He's always in a mood and yells at people sometimes. He seems lonely in a way."

I immediately look up at her.

"Lonely? What do you mean he seems lonely?"

"No, Im not sure! He just has this vibe about him that leads me to consider the fact that hes lonely! He closes himself off from people all the time."

"Well, I wouldn't know why he's doing that "

"Oh. Okay well I thought I would just ask haha"

I force a laugh and she turns to look around in the store.

"Cute stuff!" She says with a smile.

"Thanks..." I say.

She continues to look around and I go in the back and grab my phone.

I go to my contacts and decide to send Zach a message. I know I shouldn't, but I feel like I need to.

"We need to talk." I text him. I walk back up to the counter and explain some of the store sales that are going on and help her get a dressing room.

I see my phone light up.

"Don't you remember what happened last time we wanted to 'talk'? Do you actually want to talk orrr..." He writes.

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