Chapter 1

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The sun beamed onto BirchClan's camp, the chattering of cats mixing in with various bird-song around the camp. A golden she-cat was sitting down, her fluffy tail curled up, and her eyes averted to two small kits nuzzled against her flank.

"They're beautiful." The medicine cat, Pigeonfrost, hummed lightly. Of course he would say that, these were his kits.

"So, Rainkit for this one?" Hareleap asked quietly, pointing a paw at the tortoiseshell with grey flecks in her fur. It really seemed fitting for the small kit, the grey flecks looking like raindrops. Rainkit gave a little yawn, before snuggling back down into the warmth. Her sibling, a golden ticked tom, wriggled furiously as his sister took all the space.

"Someone's greedy." Pigeonfrost chuckled. "How about Leopardkit for him?"

The medicine cat leant down infront of the two kits, brushing his nose against their pelts.

"Can we see the kits?!" A yelp from the adjacent nest came from Rubblestep's kits, Brackenkit, the only she kit, and three other toms. Their mother, Rubblestep, watched hesitantly and a bit in panic. Especially when a tabby kit began nudging Rainkit boisterously.

"Galekit, come back here!" The queen raised her voice slightly, not wanting to scare the other kits. Obediently, Galekit gave a little wave to the new kits, stopped nudging Rainkit, and walked back towards his mother.

"She's fine." Hareleap laughed, then sighed heavily. Pigeonfrost also looked pretty pitiful.

"Maybe we should tell the Clan?" Pigeonfrost huffed. Sometimes he hated the medicine cat code.

"-that you're the father?" Hareleap finished. He nodded.

"I mean, Meadowtail was going to step in..." She trailed off, looking back at the grey tom. She couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair for Pigeonfrost, or the kits, to think they had a different father.

"Who's the father then?" Hareleap and Pigeonfrost were interrupted by two cats entering the nursery, excitement in their eyes.

"New siblings!" Reedpaw yelled happily, gazing at them. "A sister and a brother, is it?"

"You guessed right." Hareleap purred, moving her tail away slightly. "The tortie is Rainkit, and the golden one is Leopardkit."

Pigeonfrost sighed, standing up and looking at the two cats. "I'm their father." He looked away guiltily, his eyes wandering up the nursery walls. He just didn't want to look at anyone right now.
Feeling anxious all of a sudden, the medicine cat rushed out of the den, not excusing Reedpaw and Hareleap's brother, Applestream.

"What's wrong with him?" Applestream turned, gazing at the nursery opening, twitching an ear in confusion. Hareleap fumbled, looking troubled. This was most likely her last litter of kits, and she wanted them to be raised well, with both parents. Almost trembling, she gave another gaze to her kits. Closing her eyes, and breathing heavily, the golden she cat shuffled her paws uncomfortably.

"Their father is Pigeonfrost. But don't blame them!" She warned, sweeping her tail around the kits. "We just fell in love, and well.." She stammered, stopped by Reedpaw approaching her.

"It's doesn't matter, Hareleap. They're my siblings. And you two fell in love, so what? Love has no boundaries."

She gave a flicker of a smile as a response, her eyes floating to Applestream.

"You had kits?" His eyes were questioning.

"Yes?" She responded, confused.

"With a medicine cat?" His voice became cold, and Hareleap cringed.

"Traitor." He hissed, and ran out the den, presumably after Pigeonfrost.

Pigeonfrost felt a frosty glare on his back, and turning to face an angry Applestream was not what he wanted to see. Without any words, Applestream pinned the medicine cat down, his claws slightly unsheathed, holding them against the grey toms throat.

"What a cat you are." Applestream sneered. "You know what the code is. Yet some seem to never listen."

"I'm sorry. But- I'm in love with her." Pigeonfrost rolled away from Applestream, meanwhilst cats gazed at them in confusion.

"What's going on here?" Darkwing was about to speak, but Applestream planted a cream paw in front before she could interfere more.

"This cat here." Applestream gestured, now sitting up taller than usual, and pointed to Pigeonfrost.
"This cat here. Is a traitor. He's the father of Hareleap's kits!"

𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 - seasons of revenge - book threeWhere stories live. Discover now