Chapter 16

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Rainkit grumbled as more herbs were wrapped around one side of her face. It still stung with pain, and she was sure scars would form. The sour infection had thankfully gone. Her face was accidentally swayed too far to the left as Softclaw wrapped a ground around her ear. The kit was irritated. She'd been stuck in the den, tired, in constant pain and now a full blow of dizziness.

"Stop that!" The tortie hissed, and went at Softclaw's leg as if to bite him. The medicine cat jaunted his paw away, his eyes widening in shock.

"Well the kit has spirit, that's for sure." She could hear him murmur under his breath, although she didn't react, gently placing her chin on her moss nest.

The only one that seemed mildly positive was Pondkit, who was skittering at the other side of the den, attempting to support Brackenkit as she stood. His tail flicked and blue eyes shined with excitement as he shoved away from his sister, completely forgetting about her shaky legs, which buckled under as he ran to Softclaw.

"I'm going to become a medicine apprentice!" He squeaked happily, eyes confused as Softclaw flared at him.

"You won't if you keep on abandoning patients. What would happen if a cat was bleeding out? Would you scent a new herb, and completely forget about them? Let them bleed out?"

Rainkit's eyes narrowed at Softclaw's harsh words.

"No, I wouldn't." Pondkit calmed, taking a few paces forward, earning a sigh off Softclaw. The yellow tom gazed back at Pondkit, who's stare was fleeting to the left. But he couldn't exactly see where he was to be fair.

"Being a medicine cat is a big responsibility, Pondkit. The Clan rely on you to be their for their aid. You need to be alert, and concentrated. One distraction can lead to fatality." The tortie notices that Softclaw's face had gone sad, as if he was reliving a past memory in his head. Maybe he'd had something fatal happen during serving back at his other Clan.

Rainkit sighed heavily, listening as Duststar's call filled the clearing. She got up eventually, her limbs tired from lying down for so long. As the tortie rushed out the den, she saw Brackenkit struggling to her paws, her hind legs struggling to get a grip on the dirt.

"Come on, it'll be alright." Her mother, Rubblestep, came beside her, her sleek tail gently placed on Brackenkit's shoulders.

"But what if I can't become an apprentice? Because of this?" Rainkit felt a strange feeling as she noticed Brackenkit's pitiful stare at her legs. Guilt.

She'd caused that, but the tortie didn't know what to feel. Slight guilt at what she'd done, but her revenge had satisfied her.

"Galekit, from this day on, you will be known as Galepaw. Your mentor will be Applestream."

Rainkit scowled. It was a good choice to pair them both up. Same attitude and same arrogance. In fact, Rainkit felt sorry for her mother. Having a brother like Applestream would be horrid. At least she had Leopardkit, who didn't speak much at all.

The next to come up was Torrentkit, who had a smile on his face, and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"-your mentor will be Meadowtail."

Nodding in approval, Rainkit thought that was a good idea. Maybe Meadowtail's calm attitude could calm down Torrentpaw, hopefully.

Thirdly, Brackenkit walked up, a slightly hesitant grin on her face as Duststar grazed over her with lime green eyes. "-your mentor will be Darkwing."

It was a guess that Brackenpaw didn't know her mentor was to be her, and Brackenpaw almost dropped down in shock, as the dark grey she-cat touched noses with her. Both walked off into a corner of the clearing, a few murmurs of how good a match it was.

Finally, came along Pondkit, his blue eyes happy with enthusiasm, and Rainkit couldn't help but smile at his little hop. The blind tom tasted the air, skitterishly approaching to where Duststar was standing.

Before the brown tabby would say anything, his eyes locked with Rainkit, a devilish look haunting in them. He was up to something, she knew it.

"Revenge." He hissed so quietly that only Rainkit could probably hear it. Even Pondkit, with his on-point hearing, barely flinched at the words, only looked on in confusion.

"Pondkit, from this day on you will be known as Pondpaw."

Rainkit's heart thudded. What would Duststar do? Claw her friend dead there and then? Give him a mean mentor?

But Softclaw wasn't mean, unless..

He had a different mentor?

Confusion filled her head as she tended harshly, barely even able to watch the scene unfold.

"I will be your mentor."

The tension snapped. Pondpaw's face was full of confusion as he shook his head vigorously.

Her heart plummeted to her paws.

Oh no. She thought.

Oh no.

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