Chapter 53

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It was a warm afternoon in BirchClan's forest, and Rainclaw was currently on a hunting patrol, climbing the trees in seek of prey.

There was the creak of a branch as Rainclaw steadied herself, keen on hunting a squirrel resting on the leaves.

Should be easy. The tortie thought, plunging forward on the branch to bite down on the squirrels neck. However, the squirrel dodged, causing the she cat to slip forward in embarrassment.

"Oh great. I hope no one saw that." She muttered, smoothing down her chest fur as she hopped down to the ground. Something was off with her today.

Her ears pricked up when she heard a rustle in the bushes beside her, and she quickly dropped into a crouch. Rainclaw hoped it wasn't a rogue - she wasn't in the mood for a fight today.

I'd give anything just to go and lie down in a nest.!

Taken aback by her sudden thoughts, Rainclaw paused. Normally, her nest would be the last place she'd like to be - a dark cramped place with dozens of other cats. As quick as a fox, she scattered over to the place where the rustle was.

Lo and behold, Duststar was there, tail flicking from side to side.

"You were stalking me!" Rainclaw shouted to the leader, who shrugged in boredom.

"Couldn't have you sneaking off the territory - going off to that loner group." Duststar growled, fur fluffing up slightly. "And I wasn't stalking you. Me and Softclaw are heading to the Moon Stream. But don't get any ideas. Darkwing is in charge."

Says him. Rainclaw rolled her eyes, looking back towards the brown tabby leader. She was about to bite back a remark before a roll of nausea swept through her.

Duststar slunk back considerably, eyes flashing with disgust. "Looks like someone needs to go to the medicine den. But no being all lovey dovey with Pondmist. Like mother, like daughter I suppose." The leader turned tail and walked off, leaving Rainclaw sitting, weary eyed.

The tortie she cat sighed, trying not to let another wave of naesea hit her as she treaded back to camp, ears pinned to the back of her head as she thought over what Duststar said.

Like mother, like daughter. He's saying I'm in a forbidden relationship, but we're not even mates! Plus, he's a medicine cat helper, not a full medicine cat.

She was interrupted by Pondmist, and Rainclaw wished it could've been any cat, but him - she'd even take Brackenflower at this point.

He quickly came by her side, muttering about the scent of a fever and nausea upon the warrior. Next thing she knew, Rainclaw was bundled up in a most nest, watching as Pondmist fumbled over herbs.

"I honestly don't know what is wrong with you." Pondmist admitted honestly, walking up to her and handing her a pawful of poppy seeds. Rainclaw blinked down at them warily, letting them roll around in her paws.

"Neither do I." She shrugged, "Neither did I know that Brackenflower and Leopardshade were mates or having kits until the time I saw them."

The medicine cat helper let out a small chuckle, before settling down beside her. "They're quite the cuties aren't they?"

"Yup." Rainclaw smirked, before looking into the blank eyes of Pondmist. Her ears pricked up, and she let herself rest her head on his shoulder. In return, he bristled slightly, but relaxed.

"Well, you and Brackenflower don't really see eye to eye. Trust me, you'd be glad you didn't see her - my sister was halfway up the camp walls with paranoia! Don't even mention the sickness, I'm just glad your brother was their most of the time, he's surprisingly helpful." Pondmist trailed off in a chuckle.

Rainclaw laughed a little, letting herself recall what Pondmist had just talked about.

Paranoia.. I was quite suspicious.. like when Meadowtail had the prey and I thought it'd been poisoned... or the constant tiredness... out of shape, not able to catch a squirrel as well as normal... and the sickness!

"Oh no." Rainclaw murmured to herself, pressing her muzzle into the moss nest.

Well, this was great. The realisation had come to her at last - and it was quite bad timing, if she said herself.

"I need to tell you something." Her voice was shaky with worry, and Pondmist's ears dropped back instantly.

"What is it? Are you okay? That reminds me - I also need to tell you something too."

Reflecting quickly, Rainclaw growled lightly to herself in frustration, looking back up at Pondmist. It would be best for him to say his news first, and get it out the way. His reaction her news.. would probably, well she didn't know how he'd react.

"You go first."

"I finally get to be an independent medicine cat!" The grey tabby let out a wide grin, barely containing his excitement. "Softclaw is going back to AmberClan, y'know - after Snownose."

There was an awkward silence after that, as the two remembered the fluffy ginger and white queen.

"Softclaw and Duststar went to the Moon Stream earlier, just to get the all clear from StarClan that I can become a medicine cat. I'm going later tonight!"


Rainclaw paused. Immense pain filled her, as if her heart was being crushed, her breath hitched as if she was underwater. Pondmist was a medicine cat.. that was great, for him.

They couldn't be together, she didn't want to be like Hareleap and Pigeonfrost. The cat she'd been since with she was a kit, she couldn't be with. It hurt, but perhaps Pondmist finally needed his own path, his own independence.

I can't tell him now.. it would ruin him, and me!

The grey tabby was now listening upon her expectantly, but she shook her head.

Oh.. wait, he won't be able see that.

"No, it's fine. Wasn't that important anyway."

Although in her thoughts it was the complete opposite. This was a thing that could potentially be terrible, and Pondmist deserves to know, but just not right now.

They were both interrupted by Softclaw sticking his head through the entrance, beckoning Pondmist, who flicked his tail in goodbye. Both left.

Wincing, Rainclaw curled in the nest. She took a quick glance at her stomach, then looked away, defeated.

I can't tell him the truth.. it wouldn't be fair on Pondmist. Can't tell him that I'm having kits.

A/N:  yup.. the big reveal is out! Rainclaw and Pondmist are gonna be parents, (if he ever finds out, that is..). Sorry this is so short, don't really have anything to say.

See ya!
~ Ember <3

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