Chapter 11

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A/N: Ah I love cliffhangers! And two chapters in one day! If anyone gets the reference I love you. This chapter kinda really made me sad writing it. Also, ship Hare x Pigeon.

See ya!
- Ember

Rainkit hissed and tried to resist as she felt the cold pressure of moss press against her wounded face. One of her eyes was closed as Pigeonfrost dabbled moss over it, but the other gazed up at him angrily.

"You need to keep still, otherwise the pain will get worse!" Pigeonfrost said firmly through clenched teeth as he tried to clean the wound on his daughters face. It already smelt foul, and he knew that infection had only started settling in.

"Fine." Rainkit resisted, allowing the grey tom to press the moss the her head once more, then begin rubbing all sorts of poultices onto it. She gazed at the herbs with wonder, scanning them as Pigeonfrost stood up to go to the other side of the den.

I wonder if he put deathberries in them? The she-cat thought hauntingly for a second then shivered. After what Duststar had done, she wouldn't fall for any tricks again.

She nudged her paw towards the pile of leaves, sighing in relief as no red berries flashed in her face.
"Well at least that's good." She huffed, taking a step back as Pigeonfrost returned, a feathery looking plant in his mouth.

"What's that for?" Rainkit asked sharply, a hint of alarm in her voice. Pigeonfrost sat down, approaching his daughter from the side to examine the wound.

"It helps heal wounds."

Rainkit pondered for a second, walking to Pigeonfrost and turning her head sideways so he could apply the strange looking stalk onto the slash. As he did, she began drifting off into her thoughts.

Why would he want to help her? After Duststar, she was sure no one would care. After all, Duststar could make anyone believe anything and he could manipulate them.

Her claws unsheathed and her eyes narrowed as she remembered the tom and his sickening gaze. Maybe he had probably told the Clan that she had been behind all of it, she had wanted to go outside camp, she'd been the one insisting on the training.

"Calm down, please." Pigeonfrost's voice went gentle, and he placed his tail tip on her shoulder. He could see her tense frame from her spiked fur, her narrowed eyes.

Rainkit obeyed, then turned to face her father. "I won't show any pain!"

She beamed, surprising herself at the sudden upbeat mood. Maybe if she didn't show any pain, it would show she was strong, and Pigeonfrost would respect her!

"Of course." Pigeonfrost gave a chuckle and swiped his tongue on her head in a quick action, flattening some fur down. "Of course, but you're not invincible. I presume you want to be leader too?" He chuckled good-heartedly, and walked to the other side of the den to organise herbs.

Rainkit frowned at the medicine cats words. He wasn't taking her seriously!

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a small splutter off Pigeonfrost, but she ignored it and turned around, curling up into her nest.


It was late in the depths of moonhigh, and Hareleap was sneaking across the camp, her paws barely treading across the floor as she flurried in the direction of the medicine den.

The scent of sweet herbs instantly comforted her, and she noticed Rainkit snuggled in amongst a tumble of moss and bracken, her face half-covered in a poultice of leafs and flowers. Further in the den, Pigeonfrost's figure was moving around, him being jumpy and organising herbs on shelves.

The queen frowned at his jumpy nature. Normally Pigeonfrost wouldn't be like this. He was known as a calm cat, one of the calmest in the Clans, in fact.

"You okay, Pigeonfrost?" Hareleap whisper-hissed, as not to awaken her daughter. The grey tom's reaction gave her a rush of amusement as he jumped back, into a pile of herbs, leaves tumbling everywhere. He managed to surpress a sneeze before walking towards her.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." Pigeonfrost meowed, approaching his mate. Hareleap noticed his stuttering voice and shaky paws. She quickly dashed beside him to stop him falling onto the rock-wall of the medicine den.

"You are definitely not okay!" She announced firmly, planting her tail on his back and directing the tom to his nest. Even though it was only a few mouse-lengths away, it felt like moons before they got to it. Almost immediately, Pigeonfrost's paws buckled into his nest.

He looked back up to her, eyes so green it made her dreamy to stare. A sniffle and cough stopped that.

"Think I got an infection off Rainkit. F-from her wounds." Pigeonfrost sniffed, wiping his muzzle with a paws. "Should be fine soon though. Rowanface gave me some herbs to help."

Hareleap was slightly concerned at his uncharacteristic actions, but appreciated the fact he told her she was ill. She dipped her head towards him, and turned to leave.

That was, before a sharp "No!" filled the air. Slightly alarmed, she turned back to her mate, who shuffled back in his nest, creating a space.

"Please, stay." His voice was filled with weakness, pity and such a plead. This sudden change alarmed her quite a bit. Why was he so terrified?

Fumbling a bit, she padded towards Pigeonfrost, placing her head comfortingly on his. Slowly she curled up beside him, curling her tail around him to steady his trembling figure. Hareleap wondered how ill Pigeonfrost was. But she knew he would recover easily enough.

The two lay next to each other, the moonlight illuminating through the entrance.

"I wonder what StarClan is like." Pigeonfrost murmured, gazing up into the light, then turning away as it blinded him.

"You're a medicine cat, you've been there!" Hareleap purred, amused at Pigeonfrost's words.
"True." Pigeonfrost sighed, the flicker of a sad smile on his face.

It was getting darker now, only the light flooding into a slice of the den was what Hareleap could see, and Pigeonfrost's bright green eyes staring at her with a sort of sympathy?

"Better get some sleep." Pigeonfrost smirked at her, and Hareleap nodded, allowing her head to slump onto the moss calmly.

"I love you." Pigeonfrost said quickly, but such a pain was in his voice. It made Hareleap confused. But in a split heartbeat she replied, a grin on her face.

"I love you a thousand times more."

She fumbled a bit more, allowing her head to get comfortable, and everything consumed to darkness.

What she missed was Pigeonfrost's words.

"I love you too the moon and back, Hareleap. Words can't describe it. And I love you a thousand more times than the thousand you said."

A smirk enlightened his face slightly.

"I'll always be with you. Nothing can stop love, and ours will be eternal and for forever."

His features fell in sadness as he trembled.


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