Chapter 38

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Rainpaw couldn't help but feel.. snappier the next day. The weather was heavier, a dull overlay of fog constantly sitting in the air. It make her head stuffy and she struggled to think straight.

Everything was too fast in her opinion. It'd barely been her first training session before Duststar had practically traumatised Mistflower, she'd found out Brackenpaw and Leopardpaw were in love (she was still yet to confront him on that one). And then out of all the cats Rainpaw had met, it had to be Cal.

Grumbling, the grey apprentice flicked her tail and she travelled past the medicine den, casually peering her head in. Only Softclaw was still curled up in his nest, probably overwhelmed by the amount of cats he treated in BirchClan.

"Hey Rainpaw!" Rainpaw let out a shocked meow, almost jumping out of her skin when she turned to see her half-brother Reedpaw gazing at her with curious eyes. To be honest, she wasn't so sure why he wasn't a warrior yet.

"Hiya Reedpaw," She let out a panting breath, calming her shaken nerves. Reedpaw gave her a concerned look, which she reciprocated with a reassuring smile.

"Must've knocked you for one there." Reedpaw let out a carefree chuckle, before sweeping his tail heavily. "So what you doing today?" He trailed off, giving her a sideways glance.

"Mistflower wanted to teach me some battle moves today," a pause. "-after how badly the last one went. And I'm going on a patrol later."

"Lucky!" Reedpaw groaned, taking a quick glance around, then he lowered his head whispering sharply, "Brightfoot hasn't really ever taught me much. That's why I'm always hanging around with Swooppaw and Rowanface, trying to work out moves. And also why I'm not a warrior yet," He said, looking down at his paws.

Rainpaw felt a shimmer of sympathy, slither down her spine for her sibling. Then, an idea flickered in her head.

"If you want, you can train with me and Mistflower."

The tom's amber eyes widened with happiness, he looked almost astounded. A smile broke each side of Reedpaw's face. He was finally going to train, properly.

"I'm sure Mistflower would let it." Rainpaw continued on, beckoning for him to stay in his place as she trekked off to find her mentor.

And out of the blue, as soon as she mentioned her mentor, Mistflower rushed out the warriors den, her flanks heaving and breathing heavy.

"Sorry, for being late."

The white she-cat panted, dipping onto her hind legs and gave a long groan, her eyes directed to the floor.

The two apprentices watched her with concerned glances. Well Reedpaw was glancing towards the medicine den, as if he was going to get Softclaw or Pondpaw.

"Trust me, you don't want to go running with Applestream in the afternoon." Mistflower shook her head, "Especially not when he's chasing after Darkwing to apologise to her for stealing her apprentice to show how responsible a mentor he is."

This received even more miffed glances off the two cats. Reedpaw slowly nodding his head, changed the subject swiftly.

"Would you be okay if I tagged along with you for training?"

"Course." Mistflower smiled, then smirked in Rainpaw's direction. "Maybe a more talented cat can at least teach this one here that she's not invincible."

Rainpaw glared at her mentor for that. She knew the senior warrior was joking with her, but it still irked the tortoiseshell.

"Great!" Reedpaw did a little appreciative glance in his sisters direction as Mistflower turned to lead the two out of camp.

𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 - seasons of revenge - book threeWhere stories live. Discover now