Chapter 5

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It was the next day in BirchClan, after Duststar had talked with Rainkit. There was a new feeling inside of her, like a spring of confidence, maybe even determination. The tortoiseshell twitched as she awoke from her sleep, gently opening her green eyes.

"What a nice day." She murmured under her breath, taking sight of the sunny beams shining through the nursery roof. Rubblestep was laying down, her eyelids flickering as she also woke.

"I apologise for my kits actions." Rainkit almost looked in shock as the brown tabby queen addressed her.

"Tis fine." Rainkit shook her head sleepily. The queen wasn't to blame for Brackenkit's actions. From what Rainkit had seen, Rubblestep was a good cat.

"Where you going?" Rainkit twisted to see Leopardkit roll over and out the nest. His pelt was yet again messy and unkempt, but she guessed that was a trait he got from Hareleap.

"Outside. We still haven't met Pigeonfrost." She said instantly, an idea popping into her head. For some reason, she felt she shouldn't tell her brother about the conversation she had with Duststar.

"I'm coming!" Leopardkit bounced beside her, giving her an awkward stare. "Want to race?" He asked quietly, and dashed out the nursery before she could respond.

"Oi! You're not beating me anytime soon!" She hissed playfully and tore after her brother, who had slowed his pace down a bit, and was sitting next to the fresh-kill pile.

Rainkit bowled on top of her littermate, sending Leopardkit tumbling a little away from her.

"I got here first though." Leopardkit let off a small chuckle, his voice quiet and shy.

"Hmph." Rainkit let out a puff of air and began to walk awake, until she smacked hard into something.

Slightly off balance, she twitched her whiskers hesitantly, and shook her head. The kit's vision unblurred to reveal the confused figure of Pondkit looking around and crouching, fearful.

"It's only me, Pondkit." She called, sympathetically. The grey tabby turned his head in the way of her voice. His misty blue eyes remained sightless, and a small sigh came from his mouth.

"It's fine Rainkit. Sorry about that." He gave her a small smile, flicking his tail.

"No it was my fault." Rainkit dipped her head, feeling slightly ashamed as Pondkit attempted to get up, his legs still shaky. "Let me help."

The tortie walked round the side of the grey tabby, brushing her pelt against his. She placed her tail on his back, rubbing it comfortingly, and directing him slowly to the medicine den.

"Happens all the time." Pondkit let out a light snort as he placed his pawsteps cautiously, and they eventually became less shaky.

"Let's take you to Pigeonfrost." Rainkit winced as she said the name of her father. This would be an interesting first greeting with her father. Bringing a blind kit to the medicine den because she had pretty much bowled him over.

"So what's going on here?" A loud voice broke Rainkit out of her thoughts, and she looked up to see a grey tom striped with black standing there. "Did someone accidentally knock you ever again Pondkit?"

"Fraid so." Pondkit replied almost instantly. "Although Rainkit didn't mean to."

"I see." Pigeonfrost gave a rumbly purr, crouching down to both the kits heights. He examined Rainkit for a second, in case of any bumps or bruises, then gently put a paw under Pondkit's chin, lifting it up.

"You seem slightly disoriented." Pigeonfrost diagnosed, looking at Pondkit with stern eyes. "I'll do a poultice of burnet, chamomile, lamb's ear, ragweed, and thyme." The tom muttered under his breath, and Rainkit's eyes widened from the amount of herbs he listed.

"Have you seen Hareleap recently?" Rainkit spluttered to Pigeonfrost unexpectedly, who's eyes widened in shock.

"Umm. No, since the Clan are pretty much against us." Pigeonfrost muttered, his ears flattening against his head. "I know what happened between you and Brackenkit too."

"Well, I better leave now." Rainkit mewed awkwardly, placing a paw on Pondkit's shoulder, looking at the grey tabby with a smile. He wouldn't see it, but she didn't mind.

Giving Pigeonfrost an acknowledging look, Rainkit dashed right over to Duststar's den, noticing there on the way that Leopardkit wasn't next to the fresh-kill pile.

Must've gone inside. Rainkit thought briskly, before entering the den. She was all full of happiness until she saw the figure of Rowanface standing next to Duststar. The two were discussing something, but still she plunged forward.

"What are you doing here?" Rowanface scorned, looking down at Rainkit. The kit flinched, stepping forward to Duststar.

Surely he would help her?

No. The leader simply lay in his nest and kicked a paw, contentedly looking back up at Rowanface, no sign of interfering at all.

"We will attack QuailClan in six moons. The time of leafbare and when they are at their weakest." Rowanface huffed, swishing her fluffy tail and eventually leaving the den.

"What was that about?" Rainkit jumped aside Duststar, a confused look in her eyes.

"Wha?" Duststar shook his head, gazing at Rainkit and standing up.

"Why did you not defend me from Rowanface?" Rainkit asked sternly, glaring at Duststar. This tom was the leader of BirchClan who had been pretty keen to help her yesterday, now it was as if he didn't know who she was.

"This is the thing, Rainkit." Duststar gazed down at Rainkit, putting one of his front legs on top of the other, then resting his chin on his paws. "When you want authority and respect, trust no one." He scoffed, swishing his tail a couple of times. "Trust is a weakness. Any cat is a traitor, they could ruin you at any point."

"Not even Hareleap?" Rainkit squeaked, puffing our her fur.

"Especially not your mother. Relationships get in way of your true goals. Kin makes you soft." The leader suddenly unsheathed his claws, fanning a paw out infront of him. "I know the hard way."

"About this BirchClan and QuailClan battle?" Rainkit mused quietly. "I'll be an apprentice by then."

"Yes you will fight in the battle." Duststar chuckled slightly. "Don't you worry about that."

"And if fighting is a way of getting respect-" Rainkit paused, thinking for a moment,"-and if I fight in this battle, and am successful, cats won't call me a mistake anymore!" The tortie's eyes lit up with excitement.

"When can I start practicing my battle moves?"

"I was thinking that too." Duststar drifted off, gazing at his claws. "I was thinking you could start, perhaps even now. Be prepared."

His green eyes narrowed as he spoke. "This isn't any kit-play, Rainkit. This is the real thing. A true warrior doesn't go into battle with claws sheathed. So we aren't training with claws sheathed."

I'm feeling a little better, so decided to publish the chapter. Thank you so much for 150+ reads!
Next chapter out soon!
See ya <3

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