Chapter 13

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Rainkit didn't really know what to think when her father's body was placed in the clearing, a grief-stricken Hareleap continuously sobbing next to his body.

"I'm sorry about Pigeonfrost." The kit jumped in slight shock when Pondkit came beside her, brushing his grey tabby pelt against her flank. She felt thankful at his words, although the meaning of them was empty.

Kin made her soft. And that was clear, by Hareleap screeches piercing her ears. Warriors had to be tough. They couldn't be upset.

Wincing at the wails, Rainkit turned to Pondkit, who's blank stare in the air was looking at Leopardkit.

"I think he needs help, some sort of support." Pondkit's voice lowered, his tail pointing in the golden kits direction. "He hasn't spoken a single word."

Sighing, Rainkit nodded her head to the grey tabby, and approached her brother. Sympathy was not her path of talent. He was cowering in the corner, fur spelked up and eyes faded.

"Stop being such a wimp." The kit hissed at her sibling, surprised at the insensitive outburst of herself, but she accepted it. It seemed Leopardkit hadn't been expecting it either, who gazed up with a mourning stare.

"S-sorry." Leopardkit stuttered, backing up against the nursery wall, his eyes shining with fear. Rainkit was spooked herself. Was her brother scared of her?

Sighing, she turned away from the golden tom, wincing in pain as the wounds across her face sliced with pain. She'd forgotten about them, too distracted by Pigeonfrost, until now.

"What's wrong?" Rainkit was startled by Pondkit coming towards her, his features looking distraught with panic. Although he couldn't see her, he could probably smell the blood and infection.

"I'd forgotten about it until now. I think it's opened back up again." Rainkit huffed, flicking her tail in annoyment as another lash of pain spread across her face. Then a twinge of guilt slightly came upon her.

Rainkit was Pigeonfrost's last patient.

Although that shouldn't have affected her that much, she could feel her eyes begin to sting with pain. Yet Pondkit held a firm grip onto her back with his tail. She was surprised how easily he could get around, despite being blind. Maybe he'd just adapted to it.

"Come with me." Pondkit's voice was firm, but guiding. Rainkit noticed he was taking her towards the medicine den. Brackenkit was in there. She hesitated.

Eventually the tortie resisted, tumbling along with Pondkit to the medicine den. The grey tabby ran into the den, over to a flurry of herbs. He picked up a couple of leaves and a cobweb.

"What are you doing?" Rainkit questioned as the blind cat chewed the herbs into a green pulp and pressed them onto the cobweb. He then nudged the cobweb onto her face, allowing it to mould with the shape of her muzzle.

"I want to become a medicine cat." Pondkit stated, his tail flicking from side to side persistently.

"Good for you." Rainkit purred, allowing a small smile to englightnw her face. "If anyone tries to harm you, they'll have to get through me first."

"Oh yes and I guess big strong Rainkit can save everyone from this mess, since she's done such a good job already of killing almost everyone." Pondkit snarked with a slight tone of humour in his voice, then his jaw snapped shut.


He tended with an apologetic face, expecting to be bowled over any heartbeat now. But instead he heard.. howls of laughter?

Confused, he pictured Rainkit falling around the floor in laughter. The image made him smile, and he smirked a little.

"Honestly. You should have seen your face!" Rainkit giggled, putting one paw over her muzzle as an attempt to hide her laughter. Although the tortie was mildly miffed that Pondkit had said what he had, she couldn't ever hurt him. He was her friend, and she was his.

A/N Thank you for 600+ reads! Sorry I haven't updated much, it was my birthday last week.

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