Chapter 52

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Dawn arose freshly the next day above BirchClan's camp, Rainclaw awoke, feeling distraught at the missing presence of Pondmist next to her.

The grey tabby had be wallowing in grief, not leaving the medicine cat. Wracked with guilt from not being able to save Snownose.

He's not been himself lately.

Rainclaw sighed and looked around the sunny camp, hoping to find any cats to sit and talk with. At the edge of the camp entrance, she could see Mistflower eating a vole by herself.

She shuddered. The last conversation between her and her mentor had not been a nice one. With a deep breath, the tortie approached the senior warrior, dipping her head.

"May I sit here?" In response, Mistflower looked up at Rainclaw with surprise, and nodded, moving aside to let Rainclaw sit next to her.

"How are you doing these days?" The grey and white she cat asked quickly, continuing to eat the vole and not making eye contact.

Rainclaw felt her fur heat up in embarrassment. Looking at her paws, the warrior observed the camp, before flattening her ears against her head.

"Not good." Letting out a sigh she didn't know she'd been holding, Rainclaw looked back at Mistflower, "-Pondmist, he's been different these past couple sunrises."

The old cat nodded back in understanding, twisting to look at the medicine den where Pondmist had just disappeared off to. "He's not avoiding you, it'll be because of Brackenflower."

Oh of course.. her kits! Rainclaw almost facepalmed with her stupidity. No wonder the tom was so worried, Brackenflower was his sister. Sometimes she wondered how such a lovely cat could be related to such a bratty one. Then again, she supposed the same went for her and Leopardshade.

"Is she alright?" Rainclaw questioned, a pitch of worry in her voice for the grey and ginger tortie. Well, more in worry for the kits, she supposed.

"Apparently she's been having some pains this morning. Leopardshade has been beside himself with worry."

Rainclaw snorted. Not surprising.

Filled with interest, the she cat warily approached the nursery, shivering as memories of her kit hood threatened to overwhelm her. Exactly where she was standing, she noted, was the place where Duststar has scarred her face.

All of a sudden, her heart plummeted the floor as Rainclaw felt terror overcome her. Her breaths became quicker as she struggled to stay upright, claws digging into the floor with worry.

"If you want to know what a real attack is, try this!"

Claws slashed at her.

"You are a mistake."

"No! No, I'm not!" Rainclaw yelled furiously to her thoughts, trying to fight as Duststar's words consumed her. "You won't get me. It was you who scarred me, all this is your fault!"

She was cut off from her violent trail of thoughts from fur clamping around her, murmuring comforting gestures quickly. Whoever it was pressed their nose to her ear, letting Rainclaw sink into their pelt.

"Calm down, I'm here. Everything is going to be fine."

Rainclaw revolted at a voice she hadn't heard in moons.

𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 - seasons of revenge - book threeWhere stories live. Discover now