Chapter 45

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The golden ticked apprentice scrambled through the forest, his legs carrying him as fast as they possibly could.

Leopardpaw was freaking out. He'd seen everything, Rowanface, Duststar - them heading to the rogue territory, both yowling their lungs out at one another. He was surprised no one had been alerted at their shouts, or maybe everyone just ignored them.

He ran towards the familiar depth of undergrowth, ploughing through them, and ducking underneath a fence swiftly, into the alleyway. With disgust, he shook his head at the murky ground, unused to it compared to the forest floor.

Ears alert, Leopardpaw looked around, unsheathing his claws partially. Only as a last resort would he attack though.

"Is anyone here?" Feebly calling, Leopardpaw shrunk down, freaking out in case any strange cats came and leapt at him. This was his first time out of Clan territory. Him and his sister had never been to a gathering before, but Brackenflower made sure to inform him of what the Gathering Place was like.

"Hello!" A sudden joyful call echoed though the alleyway, shocking the quivering apprentice so that his fur spiked up.

Leopardpaw hadn't expected a rogue cat to be that joyful, but this young silver tabby tom seemed content, bounding forward and purring gleefully.

"Are you new here? What are you doing here? Were you a Clan cat? Are you going to join our group?! You'll love it! Wanda is such a lovely leader. Oh, and I'm Bluebell by the w-!" Overwhelmed by the tom's growing clamours, Leopardpaw was glad when the silver tabby was suddenly pulled back on the scruff by a light tan she-cat, her light peach eyes clearly disappointed.

"Not everyone is a friend, Bluebell." The she cat flicked her tail, observing Leopardpaw for a second before looking back at Bluebell. "You need to remember that."

Her eyes reverted back to Leopardpaw, and her voice instantly colder.

"Who are you, kit?"

Hm! I'm not a kit.

Angered to say the least, the apprentice stood up a little taller, narrowing his eyes in the slightest. He didn't like being angry at anyone, and didn't like fights either, but he would stand up for himself when the time came.

"I'm not a kit. I'm an apprentice. Leopardpaw of BirchClan."

"Oh." The tan she-cat seemed to distance off for a heartbeat, before looking at him up and down. "You look just like Hareleap." She said off guard, freaking Leopardpaw out instantly.

"How do you know Hareleap?" Leopardpaw asked firmly, now interested. If his mother had been part of the rogue group in the past - well he didn't quite know how to feel about that.

"Well, I am her mates sister." The tan she-cat said casually, turning her head while looking further down in the alleyway.

"Pigeonfrost had a sister?" Leopardpaw questioned to himself, although it was clearly heard by Bluebell who nodded furiously, and then paused, shaking his head furiously.

"Well Pigeonfrost did have a sister, two older sisters in fact, but no, my mother here is Rockheart's sister." Bluebell said matter-of-a-factly.

Leopardpaw groaned under his breath, silently getting more frustrated by the mention of this Rockheart cat. So many cats had mentioned him, yet Leopardpaw had never heard a single snippet of information about him, only that he was Reedpaw's father.

"That doesn't really help me much." The golden apprentice grumbled, making eye contact with both cats.

"I'm Cal, Duststar's sister." The rogue she-cat said plainly and simply, tilting her ears in annoyance as she spoke.

Just as Leopardpaw was about to pitch in next, three cats quickly ran up behind Cal and Bluebell, startling him vastly. One she-cat looked alarmed, and out of place in such a place like this.

"Where are Rook and Raven? They've disappeared with that Wanda cat."

Leopardpaw knew nothing of what they were saying, but Bluebell's head hung limply, his eyes reluctant to face the group of cats.

"Your kits are safe." Bluebell confirmed, looking strangely mature from the young silver tabby that had stood beforehand. "But there was a cat, a small sleek brown tabby that was arguing with a orange and white she-cat. Wanda reported a death. That being Rowanface, a deputy of one of the Clans."

"No. You've got it wrong, surely." Leopardpaw shook his head, trying to convince himself that it was fake. But it couldn't be. Maybe he should've had at least some faith in Rainpaw for her claims about the BirchClan leader.

"I know my brother too well. And that doesn't sound far off." Cal sneered, turning to face the three cats. "Killing his deputy because she went against what he said."

"That's it." The cream she-cat shook her head, turning to face the two younger, grey and cream she-cats behind her. "We're leaving here."

"But what about Rook and Raven?" One she-cat plucked up the courage to speak, but her mother hissed as a reply.

"I'd rather have two living kits that four dead ones." Their mother responded, flicking her tail and beckoning her two daughters to follow, who both looked back at Cal with pleading eyes.

"Wanda will find your siblings, don't worry. They will be safe."

Leopardpaw felt the fur on his spine prick up, and he sensed Bluebell stepping beside him, placing his tail on his back.

"You're gonna want someone to take you back to your Clan, surely?" The grey tabby asked, and Leopardpaw looked back out into the forest, not recognising any of the undergrowth or trees now.

"That would be nice." Leopardpaw smiled towards Bluebell, who hopped over the fence with ease, now infront of the golden apprentice.

"Come on then. Let's get you back to BirchClan. And to inform your Clan of Rowanface."

Oh, that too. Leopardpaw had almost forgot that the deputy of his Clan had been murdered. Nervously, he ducked his head, hesitating. These were alley cats though, what if they had murdered Rowanface and pinned it on Duststar?

He didn't feel quite like going with Bluebell now, as he slumped into a wooden support of the fence. Maybe these cats were leading him not to his Clan, but to his death? Maybe he was now a hostage with these cats. More fear sunk deeper into him, tearing at him like ivy tendrils.

"Come on. What are you waiting for?" Out of his trance, Leopardpaw realised that Bluebell was staring at him, concerned.

"N-nothing." Leopardpaw stuttered, stepping forward to follow the silver tabby with a big sigh. He had to face his fears, one way or another.

A/N: finally another chapter up!! During the time that this chapter is published, Rainclaw's Ravagw just hit 10k reads - which is amazing and alarming at the same time. Thank you so much to people who've stayed with me throughout this story, I never would've been motivated to write the story to this point without the help of reads and comments. ^^

See ya in the next chapter!
~ Ember

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