Chapter 32

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Rainkit was fearful.

It'd been a moon since she'd been taken from QuailClan and that terrible battle. She still didn't feel comfortable within her Clan again, even as many times Hareleap tried to be motherly or Leopardkit attempt some contact.

Now she was standing in the BirchClan clearing, the eyes of her Clanmates peering upon her curiously. It was as if every step she took was monitored. Leopardkit was next to her, also regained in an unsure crouch.

"I guess this is it." He said bluntly, facing his sister, amber eyes filled with dread. For once Rainkit gave a small nod in reply, twisting her head to see the crowd of cats gathered around them.

In sadness, she noticed Rubblestep sitting a distance away, her eyes glanced a something on the floor, her three apprentice-aged kits sitting up ahead. Instantly seeing Pondpaw spring his head up for a heartbeat, she saw her opportunity.

"Is Rubblestep okay?!" Rainkit hissed towards her grey tabby friend, who looked at her with a blank stare (in his defence he was blind), blinked a couple of times and turned away from the kit.

"He's not gonna answer that, Rainkit." Leopardkit shot casually over his shoulder. She tensed in shock slightly, sending a sideways glance towards him. That was so unnatural of her brother to act such a way - with such a casual and free tone to his voice. Then again, she had been away three moons from her Clan.

"When did you get so confident?!" She butted back, and as soon as she uttered that, the golden cat's jaw dropped, along with his ears, and he cowered backwards.

"I-I didn't." Leopardkit stuttered, and she smirked. That was more like the Leopardkit she knew.

"Hmph." Rainkit flared her nostrils, green eyes stretching towards the sky as she noticed Duststar sitting on the Perch Rock, his stature unwavering and stoic. As she glanced at him, their eyes caught together for a second.

His eyes narrowed into slits, and mouth curled into a disapproving frown.

However the two were interrupted with their invisible fight by Rowanface butting in.

"Just get on with the ceremony will you?" The ginger she-cat hissed, rising and sinking on her toes impatiently. Rainkit felt her whole body shiver.

No one should ever cross Duststar like that. I feel bad for her.

Sighing, Rainkit watched as Duststar nodded, yet still held a grimacing stare at the deputy as she walked across and crouched next to Darkwing.

"Leopardkit. Step forward." Duststar's voice rang through the clearing as her brother slightly stumbled from the abrupt words. Finally finding his paws, he walked up to Duststar, noting as the brown tabby hopped down from the Perch Rock, taking his place beside Leopardkit.

"From this day on you shall be known as Leopardpaw." The leader nodded, touching his nose to Leopardkit, no Leopardpaw's forhead.

The golden tom hunched his shoulders slightly as Duststar scanned the clearing. It was clear that the tom hadn't thought of who should be a mentor to Leopardpaw.


The queen stood up instantly, her eyes filled with confusion. She flurried forward, paws almost tripping over eachother, and dipped her head in politeness to the two cats.

"You will be mentor to Leopardpaw. May StarClan light both your paths."

As the brown tabby touched noses with Leopardpaw, the two trailed slightly to the right and Rainkit glared harshly.

StarClan. Yeah right.

The leader must've noticed Rainkit's harsh glare, and she approached him, her actions confident and yet still held hatred for him. The kit knew he had his limitations, but he wouldn't go that far in the clearing, in front of the full Clan.

I'll just have to wait till later. Unless Rowanface gets something bad happen to her.

"Rainkit." Duststar's voice came out in an angry tone, so much so that some cats gave hesitant glances. It didn't take the dumbest of mousebrains to notice the tension and hatred shared between the two.

"You will now be known as Rainpaw."

Rainpaw quite liked the new name already she had to admit. Being an apprentice meant more freedom.

"Your mentor will be Mistflower."

As the words were said, Rainpaw let her shoulders relax slightly. Although Brackenpaw had barely taunted her recently, it would be good to have a cat that was on her side be her mentor.

"She'll teach you the correct ways of a Clan. To not be so disobedient and quench that attitude of yours." Duststar hissed; and the grey and white senior warrior approached the two.

Gently she touched noses with Rainpaw, and an instant warmth filled her.

"May the Dark Forest light your path." Duststar mocked under his breath, yet the tortoiseshell could hear it quite clearly, and she was sure her mentor had heard it by the way she'd frozen, but shaken it off. Then again she was Duststar's former mentor, so she must've adapted to it.

Then there were the cheers of the Clan. Although some were enthusiastic, like her mother and Reedpaw and Mistflower herself, some others just muttered in unenthusiastic tones.

It was then that the sight of Leopardpaw and Rubblestep caught Rainpaw's eyes. The two were a noticeable distance away from the rest of the Clan, both muttering under their breath.

At that sudden moment, Rubblestep sent an extremely angry glance in her direction, she didn't even know the queen was capable of.

Then Rainpaw remembered.


Sighing, the tortoiseshell glared at her brother, hoping that the brown tabby was glancing at someone behind her, which it was found to be, as Rainpaw completely darted out the way.

Watching as her brother and his mentor disappeared out the entrance, her eyes were fixated on the area where Leopardpaw's golden tail disappeared moments before.

We'll be having a talk later, brother.

And that'll stop you from spilling secrets.

𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 - seasons of revenge - book threeWhere stories live. Discover now