Chapter 6

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"Now come with me." Duststar meowed to Rainkit, the tom getting out of his nest and beckoning with his tail.

Rainkit hesitantly followed, her green eyes wary as the two shuffled against the rocky den. It was almost as if they were sneaking around. The tom figures eventually got to the camp entrance, where Rainkit sat and stopped.

"I'm not allowed outside the camp yet."

Duststar turned and looked at her, rolling his eyes slightly. "I know. And I'm the leader, so I give you permission to come out the camp."

"Normally you wouldn't allow me." Rainkit hesitated, shivering as she looked out into the dark forest. Pine trees overshadowed as far as she could see, protruding branches setting out jagged figures on the brown floor. She shivered.

"Just come." Duststar snapped, and Rainkit flinched. Even though she was pretty versatile for her age, the tortie still got freaked out.

"Coming." Rainkit hung her head and ashamadly followed, tail dropping.

Had she made Duststar angry? Did this mean he wouldn't want to train her?

"Now." Duststar stopped, sitting down and glaring down at Rainkit. "You should need to know the hunters crouch first."

The brown tom got into a crouch. Rainkit observed that his tail was unmoving, and his paws were spread out evenly.

"Do you know why you spread out weight while in the crouch?" Duststar asked, looking at her and adjusting his paws to make himself comfortable. Rainkit thought for a second, her eyes floating down to Duststar's gigantic paws.

She shivered when she saw white claws glinting through his brown fur, seething through for a couple of heartbeats then disappearing again.

"Is it to be steady?" Rainkit asked, her voice pitch getting higher as she questioned Duststar.

"Almost." The tom flicked his head. "It's so the prey won't hear you when you move, because your weight is even."

Rainkit paused for a minute, taking a second to think. Shadows crowded around her, the forest becoming a bleary trail of green around her. When she looked up, her vision became disoriented, and she felt herself stumble to the floor. Only reality pulled her back when there was a wash of pain on her back.

"What?!" Rainkit twisted around in a heartbeat, seeing Duststar standing, one paw with his claws unsheathed. Tiny droplets of blood glinted on the ends of his claws. Rainkit shattered. With her blood.

"Do you expect an AmberClan warrior to tell you when they're attacking you?" Duststar hissed, stepping closer to Rainkit. Rainkit shook her head quickly, partly as she didn't want to be on the wrong side of Duststar, another reason she was trying to distract herself from the boiling pain on her flank.

"You must be prepared at all costs." Duststar said darkly, his green eyes locking with hers for a second.

"I'm in." Rainkit swallowed, her pain gone. The bleary forest that surrounded her, fully consuming into shadows.


Two figures stood, one considerably smaller than the other. But both had the same posture, upright, confident, and showing a symbol of authority. It was now becoming sundown, and even though Rainkit was puffing for breath, determination laid in her veins.

"Good work, little warrior." Duststar praised the kit, who beamed happily. The uncomfortableness of blood flaking on her pelt was beginning to get to her. Her shoulders were grazed, an ear tip missing, and a deep claw mark on her flank. She'd inflicted her mark on Duststar though, so she didn't see it as a defeat.

The tom himself had a cut on his nose, nicks around his legs where she'd attempted to nip them, and scrapes littered on his muzzle.

"I better get back." Rainkit mewed, licking her grazed shoulder carefully. "See you."

"See you soon. Come back to fight tomorrow." Duststar's voice trailed away as she walked off. Rainkit still had a heave of doubt and worry stuck inside her, but as she pondered more, it turned a new leaf. The tortoiseshell could use this as an advantage. Her battle moves needed improving, but she was confident she was well on her way of gaining respect of her Clanmates.

"I need a practice." Rainkit pondered as she walked. "But a fully grown warrior I can't handle yet. If I want to earn respect, I'll have to work my way up." The tortoiseshell eventually trotted into the camp, darting away from the various concerned faces questioning where she'd been.

"I need a victim." Rainkit stopped with sudden realisation. When she approached her nest, she noticed Hareleap and Leopardkit snuggled together. But could she trust them?

She didn't want her kin to make her soft. Rainkit grunted as a cold wind almost carried her off her paws. "Only for one night."

The tortie climbed into the moss nest, and Rainkit sat there awkwardly, struggling. "Who can it be though?" She almost growled in frustration, thinking of the cats who had shamed her. As almost if on queue, a blasting beam of moonlight struck through the nursery, striking down onto the figure of a cat.

Rainkit followed it, trying not to be blinded by it. The moonlight subsided slightly, so the mysterious figure could be seen more. Rainkit's eyes flickered with recognition.

"Brackenkit. Perfect."

Hehe cliffhanger!
What's your opinion on Duststar? Do you think he might manipulate Rainkit further?

See ya in the next chapter!
-Ember <3

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