Chapter 13

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I was finally released from the hospital. Yoongi Oppa dropped me off home but I was left alone since they needed to prepare for their upcoming concert. I was unpacking when I heard a knock on the door. "Who could be here? They said they'll be back at night." I mumbled as I got up. When I got to the door I was about to open it when I suddenly stopped. "Don't open the door Y/N" I thought to myself. The knocking became more aggressive. I started to panic so I ran into the nearest room. I took my phone out and called Yoongi Oppa. No answer. I called Seokjin, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and lastly Namjoon and still no one answered. I finally dialed Jungkook's number. One ring, Two rings, Three rings, it kept ringing until I heard "Sorry I cant answer rig-" No one answered. I heard the front door open and footsteps growing nearer. I was about to call the police when out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain and passed out.

Jimin POV
I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck out of nowhere while practicing my part on the song. I collapsed. This isn't normal. "Y/N!" Taehyung screamed out of nowhere. "What about Y/N?" Yoongi Hyung asked. "Something is wrong with her." I was able to say after regaining strength. "We need to get to the dorms as fast as we can." Taehyung said while putting on his mask. "We have to get there before she's in anymore trouble" after I said that we all ran out. "Don't worry y/n well save you just hang on."

Jungkook POV
I just came back from the my break to see the practice room empty. "Noona where is everyone?" I asked one of the stylist. "They al ran out after Jimin and Taehyung sensed something was wrong with y/n" she stated while packing up. I looked at my phone and saw ~Missed call from Y/N💔~ she called?
I started to panic. What was so important that she called me?

"I wonder what they're going to do with her" I opened my eyes to see two grown men in front of me.

"Oh you're finally awake"

~sorry for not continuing this on a schedule. I lost inspiration for writing awhile ago but now I'm finally getting it back. Thank you for waiting. And I'll try to upload more. Thank you love you guys~

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