Chapter 1

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(A/N: This is a slow burn, also, this story was originally from Quotev and I decided to share it here too ^^)

Chapter 1

(E/C) orbs glanced out the tinted windows, scanning the apartment building towering above the vehicle. You're eyes darting between the glass panels, waiting for any sort of movement that resembled that of your quirk-less friend. The sun rested just behind the buildings, the light nearly blinding your eyes as you squinted, seeing tufts of green bobbing their way towards your car excitedly. As Midoriya came closer, you opened the car door and he took a seat beside you.

"Good morning (Y/N)! Thank you again Mr.(L/N)." He fidgeted as he buckled his seat belt, you can tell he was silently fan-boying at the presence of your Dad.

"No problem Midoriya." Your Father spoke tersely, backing out of the curb. You took a glance at the green haired boy beside you, mind racing. It still confused you how someone like him was able to get accepted into U.A. Scanning your eyes over his arms through the uniform, his muscles bulged slightly, but it was still a little pitiful. You could tell he started working out during the past 10 months but what confused you was why? Sure, he was quirk-less and he needed to train both his body and his mind twice as hard as everyone else with a quirk, you weren't a stranger to this situation; but why didn't he train with you whenever you asked him to? What made him train now of all times compared to all the times you pestered him to come to the gym?

"Izuku-kun." At the sound of your voice, his head snapped to your direction, giving you all ears. "What was your score?" At this he sheepishly scratched the nape of his neck.

"Eheh, I got 60 rescue points...And 0 villain points. I placed 8th."


You gaped at him in shock, he placed way higher than you expected. A small sense of pride bloomed inside you. Finally, he's showing results, late results but...It's something?

"That's pretty good, nice job. Even if it's just rescue points. You must've been pretty heroic." You patted his shoulder in an attempt to congratulate him, but it only made him oddly nervous. His smile wavered, eyes darting to the clasped hands atop his lap.

"Yeah, thank you." A huge bag of 'G U I L T' seemingly dropped itself from a 100ft building and landed right on Izuku's head. He hasn't told you about the meeting with All Might or his new found quirk yet. He knew how you would react, being quirk-less like him. He can only imagine how envious you would become, especially if it was someone like him being chosen instead of someone like you; which he admitted silently to himself, that you deserved it more than he does. You worked hard the moment you found out you two had a similar fate: fucked up toe joints. You trained everyday with your Father, who was a pro-hero. He can only imagine the stress of having to be a quirk-less child to a family filled with quirks that held so much influence.

The car ride was silent, both teens swimming in their own thoughts. Your father, pro-hero Bone King or King for short, drove with his thoughts clouded as well. How would you do in a hero school? Has he trained you well enough? What if you're a late developer like him too? King could only think of the worst which irked him; no, he should have more faith in you. If anything your 'quirk' should be martial arts or high-pain tolerance, something like that, but the image didn't stick with him.

Soon enough you all arrived to U.A. You and Izuku bid your farewells to your Father and spoke your Thank You's, before exiting the car, making your way through the halls of your new high school. You and Izuku stood close together like glue, both feeling a sense of intimidation and apprehension whilst walking down the rather large halls. You came across a corridor, classes lined to your left and large windows that spanned from the floor to the ceiling on your right. The morning sun shone brightly over top the city buildings, rays making their way through the windows before ending on your cheeks, giving you a heavenly glow.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now