Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The car ride to school was silent, your Dad has noticed the lacking presence of a certain green haired boy. From what he can guess, you and Midoriya got into a fight, and you weren't mentioning it to him. He took a glance to his right, you were seated beside him, glancing out the window. The buildings and cars blurred past your vision, you weren't too far from U.A right now.

"(Y/N), has something been bothering you?" Your dad stopped at a red light before fully turning his head towards you. "You've been a lot more quiet than usual, and not to mention, Midoriya has stopped coming to the car pool. Why is that?" He watched your shoulders tense at the mention of you friends name.

"We just...Got into a fight, it's a little complicated..." You didn't bother telling your Dad about Deku's sudden quirk. You knew he'd try to comfort you, saying how quirks don't measure your worth and you shouldn't feel the need to compare yourself to him. But it wasn't just his quirk, it was a lot more than that.

The fact he kept it from you for so long, sure he said he kept a promise, but you'd find out at some point. Why wait until you found out yourself? It's like he watched you stumble in dark even if he knew directions towards the light. And now, a new baggage has been added to your hate, the fact the quirk was given and not gained. What, did God not think you were worthy? Were you born to disappoint? Is that it?

All these things were happening so quickly, day after day, something new was happening and it was becoming increasingly clear how far you'd have to go to become a hero. Not only that, but you felt like you were being left behind, your last pillar of support ditched you and your emotional state is become more unstable. This was all too hard to handle and too drastic of a change that you couldn't properly adjust. You've grown more distant and quiet the past few days, trying desperately to gather your thoughts and stabilize yourself. Honestly the isolation isn't working, which wasn't too surprising. You'd often go to Deku whenever you had a problem, but obviously things have changed.

To put more simply, you were distressed, and your Dad noticed this.

"Hm, well if you don't feel like talking about it now, that's fine." The car started once more, the distance between you and U.A was closing in. "But, just know your Mom and I are here for you, if you need anybody." You felt your shoulders relax at his words. "U.A may be an intimidating place, it's the best of the best after all...But don't let that intimidation stop you from becoming a hero." The car parked itself, stopping once more. He turned to face you, placing a gentle hand on your head. "You've grown, (Y/N), just know I'm proud." His words were comforting, and you couldn't stop the smile that grew on your face.

"Thanks Dad."

"You should hurry along now, school will start in 5 minutes or so." You clambered out of the car, waving at you Dad. "Take care, love you."

"Love you too."

"We'll be taking a trip today." The words shocked you, not only you but the entire class as well. "We'll be taking a trip to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. It's a training facility located just 5 minutes away from the main campus if we take one of the school buses." Aizawa pressed a button on a remote, the walls to your left began to open once more, similar to when you were introduced to you hero costumes. "The USJ will train us on how we'll need to act during a disaster situation." Aizawa rolled up his bag and made his way towards the door. "Change into your costumes and meet me outside, we'll be taking a bus. However, if you feel that your costume needs improvement and it'll only hinder you in the training, feel free to wear your P.E strip." And with that he headed out the door.

You made your way towards your costume case, feeling a little more light hearted than usual. The talk with your Dad at the car lifted your spirits, his reassuring words were something you really needed to hear, but no one ever told. Of course, that talk didn't magically solve all your current problems, but you felt like you could take on the world.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now