Chapter 21

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"The rankings for the Hero Billboard chart have been updated! Everyone's been talking about it, the changes are drastic, and of course we can't forget the elephant in the room. All Might, the unbeatable no.1 has now retired, with Endeavour taking his place, from 2nd to 1st! We'll discuss more of him later, considering All Might isn't the only hero out of commission. No.4 Best Jeanist, No.13 Bone King and No.32 Ragdoll are in the hospital. Both Bone King and Ragdoll however are unable to use their quirks. Best Jeanist is making a slow and steady recovery. While we're on the topic of heroes, the Undying hero, Tithonus has been seen during the time of the incident a week ago. The footage of the fight has been studied by fans around the world and many were delighted to see Tithonus back in action, though there is no true confirmation if we'll be seeing him on job as often. With the loss of 3 hereos, the sense of peace and hope is slowly slipping throu—"


"Hm?" Izuku looked over at you who sat on your bed, tv remote in hand, obviously the one in control of the TV. "You don't feel like watching anymore?"

"No...Not really..." You mumbled, the TV remote slipping between your fingers and resting on the blanket, between your legs. "I'm kinda tired."

"I see... You're not hungry or anything?" Izuku stood up from his spot on the foot of your bed, making his way to your bowl of fruits with various 'get well soon' cards and flowers. Taking a knife, he got a paper plate ready. "I can cut you some apples, you only ate a sandwich for breakfast after all."

"Thanks Izuku-kun," You mumbled as you continued to stare at the remote resting between your legs. "I'm going to the wash room..." Your voice was barely above a whisper as you spoke. Taking a look around your bed, you spotted your crutches and took them and began making your way towards the washroom that accompanied your room.

"Do you need any help?"

"I can manage." You slowly began to hobble your way to your washroom until you were out of sight. Izuku sighed before continuing to peel the apple before slicing them into cubes.

Knock knock

From his spot, Izuku turned around, curious to see who came to visit so early in the morning.

"Oh, goodmorning Kenta-kun." Kenta gave a curt nod in reply to Izuku's greeting.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

"She's in the washroom right now."

"How is she feeling?"

Izuku frowned at the question, turning back around to look at his half peeled apple.

"I...I don't think she's handling things very well..."

Truth was, ever since you woke up, you haven't been the same since. From the moment your eyes pried open, according to Kenta, you threw a fit. You were enraged, your mind completely lost. If it weren't
for Kenta coming in to knock you out that night they were sure you would've used your Father's quirk to wreck the entire building. Ever since that episode, you've been in a constant mood swing, sometimes even kicking Izuku out of the room. Your Mother has been your assigned doctor but even she can come into your line of fire during mood changes. Overall, you weren't handling the situation like you should, you're a mess.

"Will her Dad come to visit soon?" Izuku asked softly, making sure his voice can't be heard from you.

"He'd love to, he's ready to visit her of course... Master (Y/N) however..." Kenta knew you'd be shattered beyond repair if you were to see your Father's broken and crippled state. "Truthfully King is dying to see Master (Y/N), but she won't take the situation lightly-" The washroom door slowly creaked open. All conversation stopped as you glumly made your way back to your hospital bed. "Master (Y/N)..." Kenta spoke softly. "How're you feeling?"

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