Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After All Might defeated Nomu, and asserted his dominance against the hand man, the rest of the pro heroes came to the scene. Snipe managed to get a good shot on the hand mans arm and legs before he retreated along with the warp gate. You were quickly escorted out of the building by Cementoss, Deku however was too injured because of his quirk and will be receiving treatment along with All Might with recovery girl.

Stuffing you hands in your pockets, you took one last glance at your crippled ex-friend, watching as he got carried off by a few nurses. From whatever skin he showed, it was purple, horribly bruised from his quirk.

As you stalked behind Kirishima, you mulled over your thoughts. You wondered if your body would be able to handle Deku's quirk, thinking about it more, you were more than capable. You were no doubt, more physically fit than Deku, even right now you were. His measly 10 month of training can't compare to your 12 years of training.

Not to mention, the power that Deku exerted just then, before he launched himself carelessly towards the hand man...

That power felt similar to All Might... Can it be? No, that's stupid.

You really shouldn't be thinking about this now of all times, especially after going toe to toe with villains themselves just a few seconds ago.

Your mind wandered towards Aizawa and Thirteen's safety. You remember Aizawa's disheveled appearance, he looked so broken when he was being carried by Mineta and Tsuyu. You weren't too sure about Thirteen however, but as you got closer to your classmates you noticed he was missing.

"You guys are alright!" Uraraka bounded over towards your group after talking with a few nurses, Tsuyu, Mina and Sero followed closely behind her. "You guys were at the plaza, is All Might and Deku alright?"

"Yeah, Deku has a few broken bones though, but they were self inflicted." Kirishima answered, looking back to the plaza. "And Cementoss said that All Might will be fine too, once he sees recovery girl."

"How's Aizawa and Thirteen?" You asked.

"They're both being rushed to the hospital right now." Tsuyu pointed to the exit behind her. "They were both in pretty bad shape, but the nurses said they'll be fine, kero." You nodded, feeling a little assured from the Tsuyu's words. Sero filled you in on what happened with Thriteen and how Iida managed to call back up.

Thirteen apparently had a brush of death himself, though you weren't there to see it, but he used his quirk, black hole, on himself, almost ripping his body to shreds. You shivered at the thought of your own quirk almost killing you, though you didn't necessarily have to worry about that. You wondered if Deku also had the potential to kill himself with his quirk too. The thought made you scrunch your nose in both disgust and fear.

You all walked out of USJ, the majority of your class was silent and shaken up. Some tried to relieve the tension, which you were somewhat grateful for. Kaminari was the main source of distraction, his quirk, from what Jiro explained, makes his brain short circuit, so he acts stupid.

"Whey!" Kaminari jammed his thumbs up sign to your face, teetering side to side. You casually pushed his hands away but regretted it as he started to fall backwards. "Whoaey!"

You grabbed him by the collar and steadied him out, leading him towards Jiro. "Oi, Giro!"

"Uh, you mean Jiro?" Sero corrected you, chuckling at Kaminari who seemed dazed at the sight of your toned legs.

"Yeah, sorry, but could you take your pet back." You softly shoved Kaminari to Jiro's side, but he still couldn't balance himself and ended up falling face first.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now