Chapter 20

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The news of All Might's retirement was currently the only event that buzzed through people's minds. A sense of unease began to slowly settle into society after their symbol of peace collapsed before their very eyes.

(E/C) eyes landed on the figure in the bed while they stood at the doorway, unmoving. Slowly, he placed his hands on the wheels of his wheelchair, rolling himself into the room. The words of the nurse echoed in his mind.

"She won't make it. We've seen cases like this  before back in the past, where they've received a quirk but the effects on the body were too strong, making the victim lifeless, brainless even...I-I'm sorry K-King, but...She won't make it."

The only thing that was keeping King sane was the fact that the heart monitor continued to beep in a steady manner, only at times did it falter slightly that it made King's heart drop. It was a constant reminded that you'd pass, possibly silently and without notice, never to wake up again.

As King rolled himself closer to your bed, he took a look at the desk beside you. Flowers and cards from many friends, family and a few pro-heroes were littered on your bedside table, a few were strewn across the floor now.


King's eyes gazed over to your heart monster, noticing it missed a beat. It's been 4 days, and the doctor expected you to last for a week.

With gritted teeth, King slowly lowered his head onto your abdomen, feeling the pent up tears begin to flow. He could blame himself, but he knew Kenta already held that burden, and King knew realistically it was neither of their faults. Nevertheless, the guilt stuck with him like a parasite, the thought of his own daughter suffering due to the transferal of his quirk to you was clenching at his heart with nails made of daggers.

"I'm so sorry..." King weeped, bowing his head at his beloved princess as his salty tears were soaked by the soft cotton blankets that kept your body warm.


The door slid open, Kenta's lifeless body stood idly by, watching his close friend weeping for his practically dead child. Guilt and remorse was all he felt, he hardly did anything to protect her and instead she protected him. The thought suddenly dawned on him, that the entire (L/N) family has risked their lives countless times to save Kenta's skin from All for One. How much longer could he stay, he wondered.

With a heavy heart, Kenta made his way towards King and you, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. An 'I'm sorry' wouldn't be enough at all, and Kenta knew that if he were to say that it was all his fault, King wouldn't be happy with that either.



Two pairs of eyes looked back up at the monitor, hearing it speed up before coming back to normal once more.

King and Kenta stayed silent, their eyes glaring holes at the monitor as if it was lying to them.

"She saved my life..." Kenta spoke hoarsely, taking a plastic chair and dragging it closer to the bed. It scraped against the tiles in an unsatisfying way. "All for one was about to attack me, bus she pushed me out of the way...I owe it to her and even you (L/N)-san... I always seem to bring danger to your family, I—" Kenta spoke but stopped, the air becoming heavy around them. With reluctant eyes, Kenta looked over the (E/C) male before him. His face was beginning to show age, a few wrinkles were now covering his skin when he smiled, and the smile was genuine. Despite the fading sense of hope behind King's eyes, the smile was full of kindness and understanding, as if King knew what he was going to say.


"Tell me..." Isao looked past your bed ridden body, staring out the window where the sum blazed its early morning rays. "Tell me something...Shirio." Isao's use of Kenta's first name slightly caught him off guard, but a sense of familiarity settled in him. "Tell me something true." Shirio slowly sat himself down onto the plastic chair.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now