Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Footsteps echoed silently down the halls as you made your way towards your class. Hair pulled tightly into a bun, a few gauzes covered your arms and legs and an off-white bandage pinched the bridge of your nose. Last nights training was harsh, like always. You were used to it by now, and if anything, you really needed a way to release all the pent up anger from yesterday. Just the thought made you scowl.

You stood in front of the door, trying desperately to regain control of your anger, which you did, before pulling the door open. You sat down in your seat, grumbling away your nasty thoughts. Bakugo snuck a glance over to you.

He was closer to you than he was to Deku back when you three were naive little children, who dreamed of quirks and heroism. If anything, he outright admired you, after all you were the daughter of Bone King, the 13th best hero. He always thought out of the three, you'd have the strongest quirk, him second and Deku last. He had high expectations, just like the rest of your family— since you were a child of a quirk marriage. Your sole purpose was to develop a quirk stronger than both your parents, and to become one the best heroes. Of course, that never happened, you were quirk-less, useless like Deku was.

He watched you in silence before turning towards Deku, who just walked in. The moment he laid eyes on him he scowled, just like you did. Deku shrunk under your gaze combined with Bakugo's before scurrying to his desk. Bakugo scoffed before looking back up front. Thoughts plagued his mind, mostly about Deku and his mysterious quirk. He understood how you got in, through recommendations of course. But Deku? With a self harming quirk like that, which appeared out of thin air? Just the fact that Deku was sitting directly behind him made his blood boil.

A few minutes passed after the school bell rung. The door burst open, revealing a 7 foot tall man with his face oddly shaded in a dramatic way. "I AM HERE—WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" He screamed, waltzing through the door like an oddball. All Might stood behind the podium in all his glory, the entire class gawked at his holy presence.

"Is that All Might?!" Kaminari whisper yelled to his left, where Jiro sat. You couldn't help but scoff at his insanely obvious question.

"Today," All Might started, silencing the class. "We'll be doing combat training." He then lifted a suitcase from behind the podium. "And you'll be wearing your hero costumes!" The class went into an excited frenzy, save for you and a few more calm and collected students. All Might pressed a button on a remote he held and the wall to your left pushed open. It was like something out of a novel and you stared in awe. You weren't a stranger to sci-fi related things, your entire family is rich, of course you shouldn't be. You had a training ground that was able to simulate any type of terrain, that's where you'd train with your Father. Really, you shouldn't be this surprised by an opening wall, but you couldn't help it. Any anger you had towards Izuku rolled off your shoulders as you continued to stare at the line of suitcases that presented itself to the class. You were becoming a hero, quirk-less or not, no one was stopping you.

"Get changed," All Might snapped everyone out of their day dreams. "And meet in training ground Beta." Everyone scurried over to their assigned cases, which was numbered. Grabbing numbed 21, you headed out to the girls locker rooms.

You hugged the case close to your chest, feeling a little self conscious the closer you got to the changing rooms. Your costume wasn't all that special, you're quirk less for Christ's sake, anyone could wear your costume if they wanted to. Your grip on the case tightened as the thought settled into your head.

"Aren't you excited (Y/N)-chan?" Mina bounced beside you. She twirled in happiness, swinging her case dangerously close above your head. "You don't look as excited as everyone else." The pinkette smiled, slinging her left arm across your shoulders. "C'mon, turn that frown upside down! You gotta be a little excited, right?" You stared at her blankly, shrugging her arm off your shoulders.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now