Chapter 9

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(Art Belongs to Me)
Chapter 9

You slid into an empty seat beside Mina and got comfortable. The last and final round would be Bakugo and Todoroki.

"(Y/N)!" Mina took notice of your presence, scanning you with her raccoon like eyes for any injuries. "Took you long enough!"

"Sorry, took a nap." You relaxed into your chair, ready to fall asleep once more. You wished you got some of Recovery Girl's stamina gummies, but you figured she'll probably save those for people who needed it most. Mic then started to present the two contestants who were making their way onto the stage.

Izuku came bolting through the entrance, not wanting to miss the finals. He made his way to Uraraka but stopped after spotting an empty seat next to you. You didn't look bothered, you were in what Izuku would like to call, 'neutral mode'. He stared at your passive figure for a while. You had your arms crossed over your chest and one leg crossed over the other. Mina sat to your left with Tsu at the end of the seats. Uraraka was currently sitting with Momo, chatting away.

He slowly inched to the empty spot, watching to see if you made any move or sign of rejection. Luckily you didn't, you kept your eyes trained to the final two. Izuku took a breath and sat next to you. Although he's sat next to you multiple times before, he felt incredibly nervous, like you'd sprout a second head that'll look like Bakugo and start hissing at him. Fortunately, you didn't. Izuku didn't think you even noticed him. But you did.

"You recovered fast." You took a glance at Izuku. He had his left arm in a cast and sling, and a small bandage was on his left cheek. His hands were bandaged as well. "How was your fight with Todoroki and Shinso?"

"You...You didn't watch?" Izuku felt a bit hurt that you didn't bother to watch his matches.

"Uh, no, I fell asleep." You pursed your lips in thought. "I think the only match I watched was Sero and Todoroki...The very first match."

"You slept for that long?" He gawked. You merely shrugged your shoulders.

"Yeah...And I guess I just...Stared at the wall for a solid 5 minutes..." You mumbled the last sentence. Izuku smiled softly at your display of slight embarrassment and shyness. He rarely ever saw this side of you, even as friends, but it was endearing to see you so vulnerable. It showed you still trusted him to some degree.

"Well...Since you were wondering..." Izuku tore his gaze away from you and watched as Todoroki created a giant ice mountain, similar to what he did to Sero. "I made Todoroki use his left side...And he won, of course—"

"What about Shinso?"

"He...He mind controlled me but I managed to break it..." You noticed how Izuku started to sound a little unsure of himself. "I...I don't know how though."

"They sound like interesting fights..." Sounds of explosions nearly drowned out your mellow voice, it made Izuku lean in a little closer. "I'm sorry I missed them."

"I-It's okay!" Izuku smiled, feeling giddy. He missed this, he missed you horribly. He missed talking to you, being around you. Hell he missed the way you looked at him, and now he was able to look at you without receiving a glare. He felt his shoulders slacken, revelling in your presence.

The two of you continued to watch the fight between Bakugo and Todoroki. You weren't too sure who to root for, you'd root for Todoroki but his lack of power usage was underwhelming. You knew if Todoroki didn't use his left side, Bakugo would surely win. You weren't too sure if you'd like that, or if Bakugo would even appreciate that type of victory.

Nonetheless, Bakugo won anyway with a devastating impact. He blew up the entire stage, sending ice and debris everywhere. The sheer power of his quirk truly blew you away, quiet literally.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now