Chapter 10- Part IV

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Chapter 10- Part IV

A few days has passed since Shoto ate at your house with your family. Endeavour was pissed and now he eyed you down like a hawk, which was slightly nerve-wracking. To have an angry, 7 foot, flaming man, constantly watch your every move was...A special, treat. You were on another patrol, this time around the city. Shoto had his pack of rice crackers in hand, and his ice tea too. You were surprised he hasn't eaten those sooner. You had both yours and his pocky inside your pocket as well.

Shoto crunched loudly on his rice cracker, making Endeavour flinch. He slowly turned around, eyes narrowed down onto Shoto's rice crackers and ice tea. "Shoto—"




Shoto chewed loudly, not giving a damn about his Fathers cold stare. You giggled beside him, innocently nibbling on your pocky. Endeavour sighed, glaring quickly at you before looking away. Once Todoroki finished his rice crackers, you tossed him his box of pocky, to which he also chewed loudly. Endeavour began to twitch mildly in annoyance, his flickering flames burned even brighter, illuminating the sidewalk better than the street lights. You were worried you'd be blinded.

Endeavour began to walk a little faster, but Shoto kept up his pace, annoying the hell out of him. Each step Endeavour took, the sidewalk would melt slightly beneath his feet. Endeavour snapped his head hack to Shoto, who continued to suckle on the chocolate stick.

"Shoto," Endeavour spoke grimly, his flames flailed wildly in the dark. Todoroki didn't seem too bothered. Something in the sky caught your eye, it almost seemed like a shooting star, but it was far too large. "stop eating like a damned neanderthal." Endeavour's voice growled, an octave lower than usual. You were too distracted by the odd star you saw earlier to even comprehend Endeavour's malicious aura.

Shoto looked towards you, ignoring his father completely. "(Y/N), is something wrong?"

"Endeavour-sama." You spoke tersely, catching both of them off guard. "I think we should check down that street," you pointed at the direction you saw the star fall from the sky. "I saw something suspicious."

"Oh?" Endeavour straightened up, looking towards where you pointed. "Like what?" You didn't reply, you weren't too sure how you'd phrase yourself. It'd be stupid to say you saw a star fall from the sky and land in that direction, it sounded like something out of a fairy tale. Luckily, you didn't have to explain yourself. A thin plume of smoke rose into the air. You all narrowed you eyes, and soon Endeavour began to speed walk towards the direction. His speed walk soon turned into a slight jog, a pace both you and Shoto were able to keep up with.

An explosion sounded in the distance, along with a few screams. The smoke began to form larger in the air, almost like grey clouds. A small glow emitted in between buildings, a fire.

"What's going on?" Endeavour voiced aloud, picking up his pace. You were able to keep up well, Shoto lagged behind. You then came across an open street. You gasped at the sight before you, numerous Nomu's scattered about the city, wrecking havoc and bringing the blood of innocent civilians around them, like a paint brush on canvas. Your eyes widened at the overwhelming sight before you. Fear crawled up onto your shoulders and gripped onto you like a boa constrictor. You were stuck in place. The sight was truly horrendous, you've never seen anything like it.

"Come!" Endeavour's gruff voice shook you like an earthquake. "Hurry, there's trouble amongst us!" Shoto bolted after his Father, it took a while for your feet to respond before you tailed along behind them. The whole scene reminded you of the time in USJ, when Aizawa was practically drowning in his own blood.

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now