Chapter 19

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"Do you really think that group can handle it?" Kurogiri closed the door softly behind him before turning to look at his boss, who sat silently on a bar stool, staring at a picture.

"Yeah...It's not time for play time yet...But soon..." Shigaraki chuckled darkly, putting the picture aside and gingerly picking up another. Kurogiri curiously glanced over his shoulder.

"Bakugo and (L/N)."

"Hm, it was such a shame," Shigaraki let out a sigh. "that Dorothy wasn't able to bring us what we wanted." He glared at the picture in front him. "And I honestly highly doubt he'd come for (L/N)."

"What did master say?"

"...That she was important for some chain reaction or whatever..." Shigaraki growled. "That stupid butler only cares about the main blood...And (L/N) is the easiest target." He placed the picture down. "Maybe after we get that butler, we could try and keep (L/N) too, for Nomu..." He began to chuckle darkly to himself. "And maybe the Dad too, we can have the whole family if all goes well."

Kurogiri continued to stare at his boss as he began to shuffle between the pictures. "You really think her whole family would come? Have you forgotten what that Dorothy girl told us, the Mother is out of town, possibly the country. The best of luck we could get is if Kenta actually comes-"

"The father for sure..." Shigaraki interrupted. "King will for sure come... The same when his Dad went for him remember?" The smile on his face began to broaden. "And Kenta should learn from his mistakes in the past." Turning around in his swivel chair, he eyed Kurogiri down. The hand that would normally rest on his face was off and placed neatly on the bar counter. "This is all assuming that the Vanguard Action squad succeeds."

"They're disposable pawns then-"

"Don't be stupid." Tomura growled. "Do I look like a cruel person? Their strength's the real deal. This damned society is bound hand and foot by rules, and we're not the only ones feeling suppressed." He motioned to the picture of Bakugo behind him. "So, yeah... I'm hoping they succeed."

"Huh? Only you guys so far?" Toga walked up happily to the designated meeting spot, a small clearing free of fire and gas.

"You wack job... Did you get any blood?"

"Just one.." Toga slowly began to make her way towards Dabi, eyeing the figure that was slung over his shoulder. "Wah! (L/N)-san is so much cuter in person!" Toga made an attempt to reach a hand forward and caress you cheek, but Dabi jerked you away.

"Oi, stop being creepy..." Dabi looked at Toga in mild disgust as she pouted.

"Oh c'mon! Look at her Dabi, she just as cute as the two other girls I fought!" She began to hum happily to herself. "And that one boy too-"

"...Hold it, shut up for a second..." Dabi instructed. Suddenly, a loud crash and a gust of dust and wind nearly blew you off Dabi's shoulder.

"AHA! I know those brats!" Twice pointed an accusing finger towards the 3 intruders and Mr.Compress who seemed to have fallen from the sky. "...WHO ARE THEY?!" Dabi clicked his tongue in annoyance, tossing your body carelessly to the unsuspecting Twice. "WAH A BODY!"

"Mister, Dodge." Dabi readied an attack, blue flames shot forward from his hand and towards the three students. Luckily, they all dodged just in the nick of time. Twice itched to also battle, tossing your body like a potato sack towards Toga who happily took you in her arms.

"AHA! Others on Shigaraki's hit list!" Twice made a move forward towards Todoroki who seemed to be distracted by something. "You plain looking boy! You...Weren't on the list!" Twice took out his measuring tape threateningly, only for Todoroki to quickly make a wall of ice to distance himself from the attacker. "AH!! HOT HOT HOT."

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now