Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

You watched Todoroki's fight in the waiting room. A small flat screen tv was hung onto the ceiling in the very corner. You could hear Present Mic's loud voice twice, from the TV and from outside. Todoroki's fight ended rather quickly, trapping Sero in a giant ice wave. You could tell he was pissed off from his earlier encounter with Endeavour, and you wished you tried harder to cheer him up.

Your phone buzzed on the table, and compared to the TV volume it sounded like an earthquake. You took a peek at the caller ID, realizing that it was Dorothy, your maid.

I wanted to wish you luck Master (L/N)! I've heard about your Mother, and I could only imagine the stress your family is going through. But because of that, maybe they won't be able to watch your fight. So please, know that I'm cheering for you at home! I'll record your entire fight for the Family to watch, I'm sure your younger brother would love to watch it sometime too~

Sincerely Dorothy

It always weirded you out whenever Dorothy texted you like she was writing an email or a letter to a Father in the navy. From what you remember, when Dorothy lived in America, she couldn't afford a phone so she often wrote to her relatives. Maybe that's why she texts the way she does.

You picked up your phone, tapping in your passcode before sending a quick reply.

Thanks's for the support, I appreciate it.

You placed your phone back down on the table before looking back to the TV screen. Todoroki just finished melting all the ice, and your fight with Deku was coming closer each second. You watched Todoroki slowly walk down the cement stage and make his way back in the stadium. You looked back down on your phone, a sudden realization hit you.

You tucked your phone away in your locker before heading towards the entrance to the arena. You could see Todoroki in the distance so you hurried your pace.

"Todoroki." He stopped in his tracks, his eyes trailed upwards to yours. "Nice job, you did great." Saying those words felt foreign. You don't normally praise others, and today felt like you were past your 'appreciate someone' limit. That's not to say you've never complimented someone before, just not this often.

Todoroki seemed a little confused but he accepted your gratitude. "Thank you." You silently walked past him but your steps faltered a bit after you didn't hear his footsteps. You took a look over your shoulder, seeing Todoroki still planted on the ground and looking at you.

"...You have something you want to say?" You questioned under your breath, it felt like it was directed more to yourself as a thought than a question towards Todoroki.

"Good luck."

"Thanks." You nodded before continuing back to the entrance.

"And now! For the second round," You walked out into the light. The constant noise from the crowd was deafening, but you felt like you grew accustomed to the noise and continuous cheers. "It's (Y/N) (L/N)! She may quirk less, but she's hard working, and it shows!" The crowd roared to life, encouraging you on. "And in the same ring is Izuku Midoriya! Smart kid I tell ya, and full of vigour! Another battle with two class 1-A students! How will this play out?"

You stood near the middle of the arena, Deku stood only a few feet away. You gave him a stern look. He had what looked like a worried look on his eyes, which wasn't really something you were looking for.

"Are you two ready?" Midnight asked, backing away from you and Deku. You nodded confidently along with Deku.


Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now