Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


"Shut it..." After staring at the screen for a few more seconds, he crushed the phone in his hands. Using his quirk, the phone bursted into bright blue flames, the hot pieces fell to the ground in crisps. "We're about done with you." Dabi looked over at the small pathetic girl writhing on the ground, tears were sliding down her face for the 100th time that day.

Mustard chuckled, taking out his revolver and reloading a few more bullets in the barrel. "Let's make it quick hm~...!" Dabi took hold of Mustard wrist, pointing the gun to the ground.

"Oi, I said we're 'about done', that means almost dumbass." Dabi scoffed, before looking down at Dorothy who continued to whimper. Mustard stared at Dabi in slight disgust before sneering at the heavily stitched boy.

"You're gross—"

"That's not what I meant." Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"That why else do we need her?!"Mustard was now yelling. "We already tracked the location! Don't tell me we're recruiting her? The bitch is quirk-less, not to mention the kid she babysits is also quirk-less."

Dabi's eyes narrowed down on Mustard. "Stop yelling, we're in the middle of a fucking mission." Mustard took a few steps back after seeing how pissed off Dabi was. "I don't know why we truly need Dorothy, but leave her to me. Shigaraki told Twice and I what to do."

"Right!" Twice chirped in before coughing awkwardly. "What did he tell us again?" Dabi sighed in frustration before shaking his head.

"Just follow me you idiot."  Twice nodded meekly, sulking at Dabi's harsh attitude towards him.

"Ugh...I just wanna go already...I'm itching to move..." Moonfish mumbled silently to himself, which somehow gained everyone's attention.

"Right~?" Toga cooed, twirling her new syringe weapons between her fingers. "I can't wait to see Dorothy-chan's Master! The cute one from the sports festival!" Toga licked her lips, her eyes glossed over as she spoke. "There's so many cute people in class 1-A, I can't wait to meet them!"

"There's no need to rush." Mustard tucked his revolver back in his holster. He took a step forward, taking a sand beside Dabi. "It's too soon."

"Hm? Okay, but who died and made you the leader." Dabi growled, stalking up closer to the edge of the cliff they were all situated on. From where he was standing, he could clearly see the cabin, which lit up a good portion of the darkness that surrounded the forest. Dabi took a quick look at Muscular, who was seated beside his feet. "We'll fill these heroes full of holes, and put then in their place." Dabi smirked. "All for a brighter future."

"Shit!" You landed on your bum, exhausted. Izuku turned off his quirk, panting as well.

"I still don't understand how you're able to keep up with my attacks..." Izuku exhaled, heaving a sigh before looking at you. "But, I shouldn't really be surprised."

"Me? Keeping up with your attacks?" You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Barely." You stood back up on wobbly feet. "Let's keep going?" Izuku nodded slowly readying his full cowling but stopped once he spotted Aizawa making his way towards you guys.

"Uh, Aizawa-sensei..." You watched as Izuku made his way towards your teacher. "This is the third day, but is All Might—, I mean...Are the other teachers coming?"

"As I said before we left, we're keeping staff to a minimum so the villains don't pin us down. As for All Might, he's more than likely one of the villains' targets, so he won't be here."

Perfectionist [MHA Reader x Various] (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now