34 Drops

118 13 0

He carries the first spoonful to his mouth. I carefully watch for his reaction.

I haven’t cooked for anyone in a long time. So I’m worried if the food that my tastebuds accept, will be accepted by others.

He chokes and gags. Tears sting his eyes. Until I realize he’s faking it.

“You…” I jam a mouthful onto my spoon. And eat it and chew.

“It’s lacking a bit in the salt realm”, comes the sly reply.

I narrow my eyes, but he’s right. I didn’t add enough salt. A small frown crosses my lips.

“Oh, but its delicious.” He adds. “I didn’t think I’d ever get to taste Senpai’s cooking.”

“What do you mean? Sheesh, you’re embarrassing me.” I wolf down the rest of mine, and without a glance in his direction, I take my dishes to the sink.

“Oh, I’ll have seconds.” A plate waves at me.

“Get it yourself.”

“I’ll wash the dishes~”

“Okay… Fine.”

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